About us

Short Play Scripts is a project that aims to be a valuable resource for all lovers of dramaturgy.

Our goal is to offer complete play scripts for free. They can be used for school performances, as the base for student assignments, as a teaching resource, or simply for entertainment (many of us like to read scripts!).

We have made a large investment in creating original plays that are short and easy to understand for the general public. This was because we found that there was not a good variety and quantity of complete scripts available in English.

We are currently working to have more than 100 scripts available for you.

We also incorporate scripts sent by the community. These are shared in Short Play Scripts too, but must maintain the general spirit of the project so they must have free rights to be used as long as the author and source are mentioned.

We want to keep the culture of drama plays alive. Not being able to pay for a script should not be an impediment for a small class to make use of this ancient art.

You can contact us to send your script or for any other collaboration.