Short play script about favors (3 characters)

This is a play for 3 characters. It leaves us a great teaching about how important it is to help others when they need it. And it allows us to reflect that when we help selflessly, life rewards us with more than what we have given.

Title: “Everything you do is returned multiplied”.

Author: Clara PĂ©rez

3 characters:

  1. Sara: Dancer who is left without an instructor at the worst moment.
  2. Ernesto: Instructor who offers to help her, without knowing her.
  3. Nurse: Attends the instructor.


Setting: Rehearsal room of an academy.

Introduction: Sara is sitting on the floor crying, when the instructor enters and notices the situation, approaching her.

Ernesto (speaking kindly and approaching the girl): May I know what is wrong with you?

Sara (Trying to dry her tears): Nothing, it’s silly.

Ernesto (Without losing his kindness): At your age you don’t cry for nothing, when you do it is because something is lost, you care about it or it is very important.

Sara (Trying to give a smile): You’re right, but what’s happening to me is hopeless, there’s no time.

Ernesto (smiling): the only thing that can’t be fixed or doesn’t give us time is death, whatever it is can be fixed, tell me, maybe I can see a solution that you cannot.

Sara (Breaking into tears again): My instructor has left the academy, I must rehearse a choreography and send a video in a couple of days, I can’t do it alone and I will lose the opportunity, I have worked a lot for this day to come and now everything is lost.

Ernesto (lifting Sara’s face and smiling): Who said that? Are you good at what you do?

Sara: Yes but I need a professional choreography, it’s a tough competition, if I do it alone I won’t have a chance.

Ernesto: I told you that maybe I have a solution, and I do, I am an instructor and I will help you if you promise to work really hard. In two days we will have that video you need, do you risk it?

Sara (with a smile and her eyes lit up): Really, you would do that for me? But if you barely know me, why would you go to all that trouble?

Ernesto: Because nothing is more satisfying than seeing a student smile.

Sara: You saved my life.

Sara hugs Ernesto, ready to work.


Setting: Hospital reception

Introduction: Sara arrives at the hospital a little sad and approaches the nurse.

Sara: Good morning, I am here to donate blood for Ernesto Marquez.

Nurse: We are not accepting any type of blood, the patient suffered an accident and is in very bad shape, we no longer have blood of his type and we can only accept universal blood.

Sara: That is why I am here, I have that type of blood.

Nurse: Then let’s not waste any more time, the patient needs it urgently.

Sara and the nurse go to draw the blood for the donation.


Setting: Rehearsal room.

Introduction: Sara is distractedly rehearsing when she hears someone clapping behind her, she turns in surprise and sees Ernesto standing behind her.

Sara (happily running to hug him): Ernesto! You’re doing well, what a joy.

Ernesto (smiling and hugging him back): I heard that the video was a success and that the young lady is going to study with a scholarship to another academy.

Sara (Still smiling and taking him by the hand to sit down): Yes, thanks to you I made it, I will never know how to thank you.

Ernesto (staring at her): Do you still think you owe me something Sara?

Sara: Sure, you saved my life that afternoon when you came to offer me your help.

Ernesto (smiling): Then we don’t owe each other anything, because you saved my life, that morning you came to give me your blood.

Sara: It was nothing Ernesto, just a gesture of gratitude.

Ernesto: A gesture that gave me triple what I gave you. I didn’t save your life, I only helped you to achieve a dream, but you saved mine.

Ernesto hugs Sara again and they both smile happily.


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