Play script about the will (6 characters)

Play for 6 characters. It leaves us with a great reflection that when one strives to get what one wants, in the long run it will be rewarded.

Title: “When you want to, you can”

Author: Clara Pérez

6 characters:

  1. Gilda: older sister, moderately pretty and with a good body.
  2. Gisela: younger sister, girl who is always aware of fashion.
  3. Giovanna: sister between Gilda and Gisela, chubby and who is the victim of her sisters’ teasing.
  4. Dad: The girls’ father, busy at work, who doesn’t notice anything.
  5. Mom: Mother of the girls who allows the teasing of Giovanna.
  6. Luis: New neighbor who captivates the three girls.


Setting: The girls’ room.

Introduction: The 3 sisters are in the room, each one occupying herself with her interests and talking to each other.

Giovanna (admiring the dress that Gisela has in her hands): How beautiful that dress is, it’s spectacular, it must look very nice.

Gisela (being ironic with her sister): It looks very nice to me, it must look horrible on you, with that body, nothing looks good on you.

Gilda (mocking): You must look like a piñata with a dress like that. Giovanna, you have to dress with the curtains of the house, there are no clothes with enough fabric to cover you.

Giovanna (annoyed and embarrassed at the same time): You don’t have to be so cruel, I only said that the dress is pretty, and I don’t have to dress with the curtains Gilda, don’t be exaggerated.

Gisela (without stopping laughing): Of course not sis, Gilda is very exaggerated, for that there is the maternity clothes section, there you can get something that fits you.

Giovanna (trying not to give importance to her sisters): How childish they are.

Gisela (changing the subject and with a tone of complicity): Hey, have you seen the new guy?

Gilda: The one who moved into the house next door? He is divine, so handsome, he looks like a prince.

Giovanna: I saw him yesterday, he greeted me when I was coming home. Yes, he is very handsome.

Gisela: But don’t dream, a boy like that doesn’t look at obese girls like you, I’m determined to make him look at me.

Gilda: Well sister, it’s going to be a battle, because I think he’s beautiful.

Gisela (mocking again): But between you and me, because the fat girl has already lost.

Giovanna (with a challenging tone): Are you saying that I lost? Let’s see little sisters, this is not over until it’s over.

Mom (entering the room): What are you talking about?

Gilda (laughing): Your daughter the fat one who says that she will make the new boy notice her, because she is so beautiful!

Mom: Giovanna daughter, if you don’t stop eating everything you find, neither that boy nor any other.

The mother leaves the room leaving her daughters in their conversation.


Setting: Living room of the sisters’ house.

Introduction: Sitting in the living room, the family, with the exception of Gilda, converses animatedly, while they enjoy some snacks that Giovanna does not want to try.

Gisela: Giovanna, aren’t you going to eat?

Giovanna: No, I am on a diet. At this hour I can’t eat carbohydrates anymore.

Gisela (laughing): The fat girl wants to be pretty, finally!

Mom (also laughing): It’s about time daughter, and yes, you’ve lost a lot of weight, of course with those clothes you can’t see it, but you are thinner, and now the food doesn’t disappear from the refrigerator as before.

Dad (reproaching): What is the problem with that Giovanna eats or not, don’t you think that you should not accept those mockeries between them? Here, each one is as it is and that is respected.

At that moment Gilda enters accompanied by Luis.

Gilda (with a face of triumph before the sisters): Good afternoon family, I present to you Luis, the neighbor.

Dad: Nice to meet you young man, come in.

Gisela (trying to look flirtatious): Hello Luis, welcome.

Luis: Good afternoon, thank you, excuse the interruption but Gilda insisted that I come in to meet you, how is this lady? Hello Giovanna, is that your name?

Giovanna (surprised, looks at Luis and answers):Yes, that´s my name, I’m fine and you?

All remain animated chatting, and knowing the new neighbor.


Setting: Living room of the sisters’ house.

Introduction: The family waits for Giovanna who announced that she had a boyfriend and would bring him home to introduce him as such.

Gisela (in a mocking tone): Who will be the fat girl’s boyfriend? Suddenly she had to grab the first thing she found, the poor thing has nothing to attract attention.

Dad: You don’t think so? Giovanna managed to lose many kilos in 3 months, and the truth daughter, without offending you, she looks much better than you two.

Mom: Don’t talk to the girls like that, they are all pretty.

Dad: Now they are all pretty, while Giovanna was chubby, you kept bothering her about it.

Gilda: Well if she improved, but it is not so much, she made a little effort and we are going to make her a statue for that?

Dad: Any effort to get what you want is worth a round of applause Gilda.

Giovanna enters the room, alone, and everyone is surprised.

Gilda (laughing): What happened, did the boyfriend get cold feet?

Gisela (mocking): It is probable, oh sister! already another victim will arrive..

Giovanna (smiling): Who said that, of course he came to introduce himself.

Giovanna approaches to the door making signs with her hands to the boy who waits to enter the house.

Giovanna (without losing her smile): Family, do you remember Luis? he is my boyfriend, I don’t think I had to settle for the first thing I found.

Gilda and Gisela are dumbfounded, without saying a word, just looking at Luis.

Luis (smiling): Good afternoon, sir, ma’am. I hope you don’t mind if I visit Giovanna, she is a beautiful and very intelligent girl. We would like to get to know each other better, if you allow it.

Dad (smiling with satisfaction for the lesson his two daughters were receiving): Of course, if Luis is welcome, as long as you behave well and respect my daughter, you are welcome.

Giovanna (hugging her daddy): Thank you daddy, all this has shown me that when you want to, you can.

Giovanna gets up without letting go of her father’s hand and taking Luis’ hand, while her sisters make annoyed faces and her mother is still unable to say a word.


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