Play script about a love confession (4 characters)

This is a short play for 4 characters. It shows an unfortunate love story, where a boy confesses his love to a girl, but this love turns out to be unrequited.

Title: You what?

Author: María Gabriela Méndez

Theme: An unfortunate love confession. A boy decides to approach his childhood friend, his best friend, and confesses to her that he has been in love with her for more than a year. She does not reciprocate and tells him so at the very moment of the confession. This play circulates between a conversation that occurs in the boy’s mind, and what he actually says to his friend, plus some comments from the narrator.

4 Characters:

  1. Narrator
  2. Alicia
  3. Tim
  4. Extras (people walking in the park)

Setting: A park. All that is needed is a bench and a few people walking backstage throughout the play. A book.


Narrator: There’s Alice, Tim called her this morning to invite her to spend time in the park this afternoon. Alicia arrived first, but she reads her book quietly, it’s normal for Tim to be a little late, she’s known him since they were kids, they’ve been friends and confidants for a long time, they always go for walks, talk and eat ice cream.

We don’t know where Tim is now, he really has plans for today, he must be biting his nails somewhere, maybe he has changed his clothes about five more times before leaving, he has anxiety, she is his friend for so many years, it may be the end of a friendship, it may be the beginning of a new great story. The truth is that Alicia doesn’t even suspect, and somewhere Tim is, going over the lines of his speech, today is the day of his life (at least that’s what he thinks).

Tim: (arrives on the scene) – Think: Ok, there you are, as beautiful as ever. ok, let’s practice, don’t get nervous, just tell her and that’s it, what’s the worst that can happen, that she says no, and that’s it, nothing has happened; I’ll tell her this: – Ali, we’ve been friends since we were kids, right, well, for the last year or so I’ve started to feel something different about you, I want you to know that, what do you think?

Tim: – Hi Alicia, how are you (he looks a little nervous and Alicia notices it)?

Alicia: – Hey Tim, how are you doing, you look worried, what’s wrong?

Tim: Really? no way, haha.

Narrator: Nervous laugh, you gave yourself away?

Alicia: – mmmmmmmmmm, ok. (Makes an expression that denotes that she doesn’t really believe what he’s saying to her)

Narrator: you already have to talk, she knows you have something, she is a woman, remember she has a sixth, seventh and eighth sense… forget it, she already has in her mind about four stories about what is really going on with you

Tim: Ok, well, actually I told you to meet me today so we can talk.

Alice: About what? (she looks very practical and not very concerned)

Tim: About… well, this…. I…. don’t know how to start.

Tim: Think: -Let’s see, remember what you practiced, concentrate, she’s waiting, do something, react….

Alice: -you worry me, you were just staring, what’s wrong with you.

Tim: – well, I…. (long silence) I mean, you… I like you.

Narrator: and the speech? let’s see, I’ll count down and she’s going to run 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ….

Alice: – What?… no, well, thank you, but, really, you don’t like me… I’m sorry, you’re my friend, and now, forget it seriously, relax, anyway, we can still be friends, but no, you’re like my brother, seriously.

Narrator:- awkward moment, silence, we should give this a moment of silence. I think we should lend a shovel and some dirt to our friend, he needs it.

Tim: ok (looks a little discouraged, saddened, in short, terrible) ok, thanks for your honesty, I don’t know what to say, I’m sorry.

Alicia: – Don’t worry, everything is fine, just forget about it, well, I have to go, we’ll talk tomorrow or another day. (Tim remains seated while she leaves, he’s embarrassed)

Narrator: – Typical, well, you’ll get over it, it happens to everyone, someone will come eventually. And for all of you, I think when you prepare your speech, you should also prepare one for when this kind of thing happens. It is more difficult to say something after such a relaxed response.

The end

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