Play script about obesity (4 characters)

This is a play for 4 characters. It shows us that it takes more than willpower to solve obesity.

Title: “Obesity cannot be solved with willpower alone”.

Author: Silvina Carrasco

4 Characters:

  1. Alana: Teenager of about 15 years old. She suffers from obesity. With “willpower” she has not been able to change. Only when she evaluates her problem from another point of view she can start to do it.
  2. Marta: Alana’s mother. She pressures her daughter to lose weight, believing that it is only a question of willpower.
  3. Nutritionist
  4. Patricia: Psychologist in charge of the psychological part of Alana’s treatment.


Characters involved in this act: Alana, Marta and Nutritionist.
Scenario: A doctor’s office.

Alana and Hiromi are sitting at the desk. The nutritionist arrives and sits down in front of them.

-Nutritionist: Okay, how can I help you?

-Marta: We came because I don’t know how to help my daughter anymore. As you can see, she is very overweight and it is getting worse every month. I am afraid for her health, but I don’t know what to do, because she doesn’t want to lose weight.

-Nutritionist: Very well. We are going to weigh you Alana and do some tests, but first we are going to talk a little bit about obesity. Do you want to tell me a little bit about what a normal day in your life is like? What do you eat? Do you exercise?

(Alana bows her head and doesn’t answer)

-Marta: Does she realize?! She doesn’t talk! You can’t help her like that, she has no will! I don’t know what to do anymore.

-Nutritionist: Well, as we start working, it will be easier for her to be able to tell how she feels. For starters, it’s important for both of you to know that controlling or overcoming obesity is not just a matter of willpower. Do you regularly have sugary drinks, cookies or snacks in your home?

-Marta: Yes.

-Nutritionist: And at the school kiosk, what options are there to buy?

-Marta: Mostly candy.

-Nutritionist: And at home are you in the habit of being physically active?

-Marta: No, I work all day. Alana watches TV all the time.

-Nutritionist: Marta, as you will see, the environment in which Alana develops is not prepared for her to change her habits. Even if she had all the will to change, in that environment it would be very difficult.

-Marta: Do you mean that it is my fault that my daughter is like this?

-Nutritionist: It is not the fault of either of us, nor does it depend on the will of either of us. Obesity is an epidemic that affects more and more children and adolescents in the world. It depends on many factors: the environment in which the individual develops, genetic inheritance, habits acquired in early childhood and psychological issues. That is why we are going to approach the problem in a comprehensive way: medical, nutritional and psychological, and stop feeling guilty… (With a sweet smile to Alana) Is that okay with you?

-Alana: (Beginning to feel understood) It’s fine with me, I’m ready.


Characters involved in this act: Alana and Patricia.

Scenario: A cozy psychology office. Two sofas facing each other, just the right lighting and a pleasant decoration.

Alana and Patricia talk, each sitting on one of the sofas.

-Patricia: How did it go yesterday?

-Alana: I broke my diet again. I bought food on the sly and ate it… I’m not feeling well.

-Patricia: Does it have to do with your father’s reunion date coming up?

(Alana remains silent)

-Patricia: It’s interesting what you were telling me before: you started to overeat in your childhood, when your father left and you were left alone with your mother. Do you remember how you felt at that time?

-Alana: (Silence) Fear… I didn’t know if we were going to be able to be alone with my mom and I was very scared.

-Patricia: And now, how do you feel?

-Alana: I’m scared… I’m scared that my father will come back into my life and then leave again.

-Patricia: Did you feel that way yesterday?

-Alana: Yes, I was thinking about it.

-Patricia: And can you relate the fear to the way you eat? According to what you say, every time you feel scared, you turn to food.

-Alana: (She is silent for a moment) When I feel scared or guilty I feel so bad that I just want to stop thinking… Then I eat… chocolates, or food in quantity and I feel better… It’s like I can stop thinking. (Small pause) But I don’t want to keep doing it.

-Patricia: And you’re making great strides. You’ve realized that you overeat so you don’t feel certain feelings. Now, we’re going to work on how you can resolve this in a healthier way. But, that’s a big step forward for today, so I’ll see you Wednesday?


Characters involved in this act: Alana and Marta.

Setting: The kitchen of Alana and Marta’s house.

Alana is finishing dinner when her mother arrives from work. On the table: salads, water and a vegetable pie.

-Marta: Hi daughter (looks at the table) Did you cook?

-Alana: Yes, with the recipe booklet the nutritionist gave me.

-Marta: I’m proud of you. You’ve changed so much.

-Alana: I feel more relieved.

-Marta: Have you had dinner?

-Alana: Yes, I was about to go to bed, I want to get up early tomorrow.

(Alana gets up and goes to a door)

-Marta: Why do you have to get up early tomorrow?

-Alana: (shyly) I signed up for the neighborhood gym (she leaves).


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