Play script about making the right decisions (2 characters)

This is a play for 2 characters. It shows the importance of choosing what you really want to do in life so you don’t regret it when it’s too late.

Title: “Another opportunity”

Author: Silvina Carrasco

2 Characters:

  1. Jorge: A man in his fifties. He has sacrificed his life for a job he didn’t really like. From one day to the next he is fired and after reflecting on the uselessness of his sacrifice, he decides to start over.
  2. Andrés: Jorge’s nephew. When he hears about his uncle’s situation, he goes to visit him.


Characters taking part in this act: Jorge and Andrés.

Scenario: A porch overlooking a backyard. On the porch is a long wooden hammock.

Jorge is sitting contemplating the backyard. Andrés comes out of the house through the back door.

-Andres: Hi man, I came in because it was open. I figured you’d be here.

-Jorge: Andres! Come in, come in.

(Andrés sits down next to Jorge.)

-Andres: How are you? I heard you got fired.

-Jorge: Here I am, resting… Although I confess, I didn’t see it coming.

-Andres: They didn’t warn you about anything?

-Jorge: No. One morning my superior arrived and told me with the slightest sensitivity: “My friend, we are trying to renew the company’s image and we are thinking of someone with new ideas and a better command of technology”… I don’t think he even knew my name.

-Andrés: Well, man, those men are not usually very considerate.

-Jorge: I just felt so naive, because I thought I was important to these people. Every Christmas I spent away from my daughter or every birthday I missed because I was working, I consoled myself thinking: “in my job they appreciate my performance”, “I am very important in my job”. Yes, very important!

-Andres: You have to feel reassured that you did what you had to do.

-Jorge: It’s that today I have nothing of what I sacrificed my whole life for. It’s like having spent thirty years building a castle that one day collapsed and that’s it, there’s nothing left.

-Andres: You know that you will always have a place in the family project. In fact, with your experience you would bring us a lot.

-Jorge: I thank you, but I have already spent a lot of time “being successful”, with the years I have left I am going to dedicate myself to do something that makes me happy.

-Andrés: And what is that something?

-Jorge: I’m going to start my own vegetable garden and I’m going to grow my own food. Maybe in time I can grow it and sell organic products.

-Andrés: (Surprised) Wow, you’re a box of surprises! I never imagined you could like that.

-Jorge: The way you see me, when I was a kid, I used to help my father in the fields.

-And how did you become a businessman?

-Jorge: I don’t know. At some point in life you get confused and start doing things you don’t want to do because you think it gives you more value… And that’s how your life goes by… And one day you are old and those for whom you sacrificed your life tell you with a pat on the back: “My friend, we are thinking of someone younger for your position”. (Short pause) May I give you some advice?

-Andrés: Yes, of course.

-Jorge: Don’t waste your life in something you don’t want to do because maybe one day it will end and if you haven’t enjoyed it you will be left with nothing.

-Andrés: But now you have the opportunity to do something you like.

-Jorge: Yes, I have another opportunity and I’m not going to waste it.

-Andres: (Looking at his watch) Dude, I have to go, but if you need anything you can call me.

-Jorge: Thanks for coming to see me.

(They say goodbye. Andres leaves. Jorge stands up, wakes up, stretches his arms and walks down from the porch to the patio)

-Jorge: Welcome new opportunity.

(He picks up a garden rake and begins to even out the soil).


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