Play script about the importance of good feelings (5 characters)

A play for 5 characters about the importance of good feelings in the face of physical beauty.

Title: “They prefer bad boys”

Author: Clara PĂ©rez

5 characters:

  1. Mery: girl who loves cute men, but does not have a great physical attractiveness.
  2. Margaret: Mery’s friend who doesn’t understand her behavior.
  3. Robert: Boy of very good physique but poor feelings.
  4. Aidan: Boy without much physical attractiveness, but with noble feelings.
  5. Rebeca: Girl with whom Robert cheats on Mery.


Setting: Corridors of a shopping mall.

Introduction: Mery and Margaret walk through the aisles of a shopping mall, while Mery talks on her cell phone.

Mery (with a tone of contempt in her voice): Aidan, I already told you, I don’t want to go to the movies with you, why do you insist? I have other plans today, so please stop bothering me.

Margaret (after Mery closes the call): Why are you treating Aidan like this? He’s been after you for a long time, watching you fail with all the relationships you insist on and which serve no purpose.

Mery (looking at her over her shoulder): You think that after I’ve been the girlfriend of the most beautiful guys in this city, I’m going to accept Aidan? What’s wrong with you, Margaret? Your standard are really low my friend.

Margaret (with a disapproving face): Have you been the girlfriend of the prettiest boys, or their entertainment for a while? Mery they all have played with you, they use you, you pawn, you follow them, you call them and they play with you so that you stop bothering them.

Mery (annoyed): That’s not true.

Margaret: Of course it is, you are not a beautiful woman, you are not a pageant girl, those guys have nothing in their brains and they look for women like them, who are physically beautiful, even if they only have one functioning neuron. They only use you, they see you as you see Aidan, Mery, each sheep with its own partner.

Mery (laughing): Don’t be envious, Robert is beautiful and he’s dating me.

Margaret: Yes, after you called him 20 times a day, did his school work for him, paid him to go out for ice cream, he’s using you.

Mery: You’ll see that he’s not like that, I’m going to call him to tell him to come and get me and you’ll see that he’s interested in me.

Mery picks up the phone and dials a number, waiting for an answer.

Mery: Hi love, I’m at the mall, do you want to come and pick me? Ah can’t you? Well if you’re helping your dad, it’ll be another day, kisses, I love you very much.

Margaret: See, he can’t, he never can unless he’s bored and has nothing else to do.

Mery: Shut up Margaret.

At that moment they run into Aidan who walks towards them.

Aidan: Hi girls, how are you?

Mery (annoyed): Aidan stop chasing me, I told you I was busy.

Margaret (trying to make Aidan feel better): I’m glad we made it! Shall we go for an ice cream?

Aidan (a little embarrassed): If Mery doesn’t want to hang out with me, we’d better not, Margaret.

Margaret: Sure, let’s all go.

They start walking down a corridor and see Rebeca in the distance.

Margaret (with a mischievous tone): Look who’s there! The beautiful and popular girl of the school, the one who wants with all the boys, let’s follow her to see who is her next victim.

Laughing and walking at a safe distance they begin to follow Rebeca, who arrives at a table, kisses the boy on the cheek and sits down. Everyone is petrified to see the boy, who is none other than Robert, Mery’s supposed boyfriend.

Mery (very annoyed, walks to the table): Robert! Weren’t you too busy? Explain to me what are you doing here with this girl?

Rebeca (laughing ironically): But what’s wrong with her? Robert, please put your pet in the cage.

Mery (annoyed): You shut up, it’s not with you.

Rebeca (with an air of superiority): Yes, I’ll shut up, but that’s because I don’t talk to losers.

Robert (getting up from his chair and standing in front of Mery): Hello Mery, first calm down and stop yelling, you don’t have to. Second I don’t have to explain anything to you, I’m having an ice cream with my girlfriend Rebeca and I don’t have to explain it to you.

Mery (almost crying): Your girlfriend? What about me?

Robert: Your what? You are nothing of mine, you called me, you looked for me, you wanted to pay when we went out and I gave you the pleasure of hanging out with me, but you are not my girlfriend. Mery, haven’t you seen yourself? You’re not a pretty girl, not the kind that others would be envious of, I don’t date women like you.

Mery: You idiot! But I’m an intelligent woman, with good feelings and who really loves.

Aidan: Yes, that’s how I am, with good feelings, but I don’t seem like much to you, and Robert feels the same way about you. You must understand what he feels and what I feel. You feel for me what he feels for you, and you feel at this moment as I feel when you despise me. Solve your problem, Margaret and I will go get some ice cream.

Mery (understanding what Aidan had just said): Wait I’m going with you. You’re right, I’ve wasted my time looking for pretty faces with rotten hearts.

Rebeca, I’ll leave that for you, it’s not worth much, but it’s what you deserve.

Mery takes her two friends by the hand and they walk away to look for a table to have their ice cream.


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