Play script about good deeds (3 characters)

Play for 3 characters about how selfless good deeds can come back in a multiplied form.

Title: “The little Christmas fairy”.

Author: Clara Pérez

3 characters:

  1. Fairy: turned into a little girl, who can from two distant places meet a couple and fulfill their greatest wish for Christmas.
  2. Autumn: Wife who feels sad because she will spend her Christmas alone.
  3. Manuel: Husband who cannot be home for Christmas because of work.


Setting: Park bench

Introduction: Autumn is sitting on a park bench when she sees a little girl, disheveled, poorly dressed, dirty and unkempt, pass by and catches her attention.

Fairy (approaching Autumn, with her dirty and shabby clothes): Good afternoon ma’am, would you be so kind as to give me a few cents to buy something to eat?

Autumn (touched): Oh, what a cute little girl, what are you doing all alone in this park? You are small and it is very dangerous to walk alone in the street.

Fairy (lowering her eyes to the ground): I am an orphan, I have nothing to eat and I am very hungry.

Autumn (dismayed by the girl’s answer): And with a few cents you are going to eat? Let’s do something, let’s go to a place where you can order something to eat and I’ll buy, do you think so?

Fairy (smiling happily): Yes, thank you ma’am, you are very kind, your children must be proud of their mother.

Autumn: I don’t have children, and I will spend Christmas alone, wouldn’t you like to join me? I could prepare a delicious dinner and we wouldn’t be alone that day.

Fairy (surprised): Would you invite me to dinner on Christmas Day?

Autumn: Of course I would, that’s what I’m telling you, my husband is working in another city and he won’t be able to come because of his job, his boss wants him to close a business deal on that date and he won’t be able to make it. What I want the most is to be with him that day, but it won’t be possible. If you want, we can celebrate Christmas together.

Fairy (touched): Thank you ma’am, I want to have Christmas dinner with you.

Autumn: Well, but for now let’s go and eat something, you can’t wait until Christmas.

They both laugh at the comment and start walking off the stage.


Setting: Bus stop.

Introduction: Manuel is waiting for transportation when a girl approaches him, tugging on his coat to get his attention. Curiously, it was the same girl who had spoken to Autumn several kilometers away, but this time her clothes were not dirty or ragged.

Fairy (pulling Manuel’s bag): Sir, sir, can you help me?

Manuel (looking down at the girl): Yes, tell me little one, what do you need?

Fairy (sobbing): I’m lost, I’m afraid and I don’t know where I am, or where my parents are, can you help me find them?

Manuel (hesitating): I have to go to work, but I can’t leave you alone here, give me a second.

Manuel takes his phone out of his pocket making a call and returning to see the girl.

Manuel (smiling): Ready, work can wait, let’s go look for your parents, it’s not good for such a cute little girl to be alone and much less to stay lost on Christmas, you don’t know how bad it feels to think that you will be alone that day.

Fairy: Don’t you have any family?

Manuel (sad): I have a wife, but we live far from here and because of my work I won’t be able to be with her, and you don’t know how much I want to. But my boss won’t listen to reason and I’ll have to stay here for that date.

Fairy (consoling him): By the end of the year you will be able to, you’ll see.

Manuel: Well, let’s see, where do we start, shall we go to the police to see if they can find your parents?

Manuel turns to the side where the girl was but she is no longer there, he tries to look for her but he can’t find her, and somewhat frustrated he decides to go to work.


Setting: Christmas dinner.

Introduction: Autumn and the girl are setting the table for dinner.

Fairy (smiling): I loved the dress you gave me, you are very good, people are not like you anymore.

Autumn: I wanted you to look beautiful tonight, I’m going to get the chicken, it should be ready.

Autumn goes out to check the chicken and there is a knock on the door, the girl goes to open it.

Manuel (astonished): Girl, what are you doing here?

Autumn (coming out of the kitchen and putting the tray on the table very happy): Manuel, you came!

Manuel (running to hug his wife): A miracle happened, my boss told me at the last minute that we would close the business after Christmas. But what is this girl doing here?

Autumn: She is a little friend I met in the park, she is an orphan and had nowhere to eat dinner, so I invited her so she wouldn’t be alone.

Manuel (surprised with the story): No, but this girl was lost in the other town a couple of days ago and I tried to help her.

Fairy (smiling and taking them by the hand to make them sit down): You are both right, you both met me in different cities and you both have such a good heart, you both helped me without thinking about it. I am not a girl, I am the Christmas fairy, and I could not allow two people so good, to spend Christmas far away, both told me that their greatest wish was to be together this day and that is my gift. To make it possible for them to spend Christmas as a family.

Autumn (astonished): But… can this be possible?

Fairy: It is, I am small to go from one city to another, if I were not a fairy, and now they are together, you still don’t believe me?

Manuel (smiling): Of course we believe you, what are we waiting for, let’s have dinner?

They all sit at the table, and begin to serve the food, happy and grateful to be together.


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