Play about the value of our home (5 characters)

A wonderful children’s play with 5 characters, which talks about the curiosity of a child about the things in the world and that after his adventures to know it, his decision is that nothing is like home.

Title: “My house, the best place in the world”.

Author: Clara PĂ©rez

5 Characters:

  1. George: Curious boy who wants to know the world.
  2. Deer: He meets George and tells him about his adventures in the mountains.
  3. Camel: Tells George about his adventures in the desert.
  4. Little fish: Tells what it’s like to live in the sea.
  5. Big fish: Tries to eat the little fish.

Single Act

Setting: 3 banners drawn on the stage, the first shows the mountains, the second shows the sea, the third shows the desert. Apart on the stage there should be a table with chairs representing the boy’s house.

Introduction: The child begins by speaking aloud and with the audience, from the table that represents his house.

George: (Addressing the audience) Hello, how are you? Since you have come to visit me, I want to ask you a few questions Have you ever been curious to visit the beauties of the world?

George waits for the audience’s response, if they don’t answer he asks again.

George: (Once he receives the answer and without stopping addressing the audience) It’s the same for me, I want to know the beautiful things of our planet and for that, I have decided that I am going to travel to them.

George: (After hearing the audience’s yes) Then let’s go to the mountains, come with me.

George starts to walk slowly to the banner where the mountains are drawn, he stands in front of them.

George: (Impressed) Wow! How big and beautiful the mountains are, I don’t think I could reach the top, so much vegetation and color.

Deer: (Approaching George intrigued) You are not from these parts, what brings you here?

George: (Still very animated) My curiosity brought me to see the world. I love the mountains. Tell me what it’s like to live here?

Deer: (Very proud of his habitat) It’s splendid, the mountains are wide, beautiful, lots of trees, streams, you live very happily.

Suddenly a shot is heard in the distance and the deer opens its huge eyes and starts to run.

Deer: I have to go, the hunters are coming, Huyeee!

George: (Without knowing why, he starts running away from the mountains) Very beautiful, but dangerous, the hunters shoot without control. We’d better go to the sea.

George gets on a kind of raft and goes to the banner where he can see the sea.

George: (Marveling) What crystal clear waters, what a splendid breeze, the sea is wonderful.

Suddenly a small fish comes out.

George: Hello little fish, how are you?

Little fish: Very well, what are you doing in my sea?

George: I came to get to know it, I love it, it’s beautiful, what is it like to live in it?

Little fish: How can it be? Everything is perfect, the water is calm, everything is incredible, the bottom of the sea is something without comparison and nothing is like the ocean.

At that moment a bigger fish comes to the surface and tries to eat the smaller one.

Little fish: (Scared and running away) Ahhhhhhhh I have to go, this fish wants to eat me.

George: (fleeing in panic in his raft) But by God, the sea is not so safe either, the big fish devour the small ones.

Let’s get to know the desert better.

George: (moving to the desert banner, and looking at the immensity of the sand, he is completely impressed) How beautiful it is, it seems to have no end, all this sand, moving and forming figures, it is something that no one should miss.

Suddenly he sees a camel approaching.

George: Hello camel, how are you? Could you tell me how you live in the desert?

Camel: (looking annoyed) I live in the heat, with little water and a lot of sand on my body. The desert is beautiful, but a very uncomfortable place to live.

Suddenly George felt that the heat was overwhelming him, he began to sweat.

George: I think you are right camel, it is time to leave, the heat is suffocating me. It is time to go home.

George walks back to the table. He goes back to the audience.

George: Uff this curiosity taught me something – he waits for the audience’s response-.

George: It taught me that the world is very beautiful, but everyone must live in their own place. Hunters, predators and intense heat are not my thing. I just learned that my home is the best place in the world, don’t you think so?

George waits for the audience’s response and leaves the stage.


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