Script for a short play about disobedience (4 characters)

This short play tells a story that reflects a complicated situation between a teenage son and his mother and the problems it brings for them and their family. It is structured in 3 acts and is to be performed by 4 characters.

Title of the work: “The disobedient son”

Author: Nathalie Marin

4 Characters:

  1. Narrator (voice-over)
  2. Jason (disobedient son)
  3. Elizabeth (Jason’s mother)
  4. Mathias (Jason’s younger brother)

Act I.

(Elizabeth and Jason sitting in the living room of their home)

Narrator: Jason was an extraordinary young man who lived with his mother in the city’s Chinatown, fearless but very rebellious; a fact that constantly caused great anguish for his mother Elizabeth Morantti.

Jason: Mother!

Elizabeth: Tell me son, what do you need?

Jason: I can’t find my lucky shirt and today I have an important outing. Look for it!

Elizabeth: But son…

Narrator: Jason immediately looks at her with great annoyance in his eyes and turns away; while Elizabeth heads off to continue her chores and fold her beloved children’s freshly laundered clothes, to go out in the afternoon to work and generate money for the sustenance of her precious household.

Mathias: Mom, do you want me to help you with that, I can iron the clothes, you need to rest!

Elizabeth: Oh! son, don’t worry, I can do it myself.

Mathias: I insist mother!

(Elizabeth thanks God for having such a helpful son)

Elizabeth: Dear God, thank you for this very helpful son that you gave me; however, today I ask with all my heart that you give wisdom and understanding to my son Jason and that you fill him with much health, because I am worried about the dangers that may affect him in the street.

Act II.

(Jason arrives home for dinner)

Jason: Hi mom, is dinner ready?

Elizabeth: No son, are you sleeping at home today?

Jason: No, I have something important to do

Elizabeth: But son…

(Jason leaves the house)

Narrator: After observing this scenario, Mathias approaches his mother to comfort her in her disturbing distress.

Mathias: Mother, I want to tell you that I appreciate all the nice things you do for me, because no one makes such a big effort as you do.

Act III.

Narrator: Because of disobedience, Jason comes home kicked after being the victim of a late-night downtown robbery.

(Jason runs to lock himself in his room and kneels down).

Jason: God, what have I done so wrong to make this happen to me?

Narrator: In that moment of intense pain for all that had happened to him, he remembered how bitterly he had been treated by the one who had given him life.

(Elizabeth rushes into Jason’s room and joins her son Jason’s weeping)

Elizabeth: Mathias, Mathias!

Mathias: God, what happened to you, brother?

Elizabeth: Bring me quickly the first aid box.

(Mathias runs to get the first aid kit)

Mathias: Here mom.

Narrator: Jason stares at his mother, moved by the immense act of love emanated.

Jason: Mother, why are you doing this for me? I don’t deserve it!

Elizabeth: I’m doing it because you are my son.

Narrator: Hearing such sincere words from his mother, Jason bursts into uncontrollable tears and asks her forgiveness for not valuing her enough.

Jason: Forgive me mother, because I didn’t know how to value you and you have been both mother and father, you have fought tirelessly to feed us and to make us better people, and I have never thanked you for the enormous effort you have made. I love you mother!

(Jason hugs his mother, and then Mathias joins in the family hug.)


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