A short play about the importance of friendship (3 characters).

Theater play for 3 characters. It shows us the importance of taking care of our true friends and the value of friendship.

Title: We are friends, is that the most important thing?

Author: María Gabriela Méndez

Theme: An unexpected coincidence. A girl decides to talk to her friend about something terrible that has happened to her. She is in love with a boy, a friend of both of them; but it turns out that her friend also feels the same way about the same person.


  1. Narrator
  2. Vero
  3. Daniela

The room of a teenage girl.


Narrator: what we will see next usually happens, and although it seems to be an unimportant event, it can actually be a very serious problem, and the way in which those involved solve it will say a lot about the values they have cultivated and what they really consider important in life.

Vero: (both are in the room on the bed, talking comfortably) – you know I wanted to tell you something. I really need to talk.

Daniela: Me too my friend, but you first.

Vero: Ah well, but you tell me, what is it about?

Daniela: It’s about Victor.

Vero: (gets serious, as if worried) Really? let’s see, tell me.

Daniela:I like him, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Vero: (She just stays serious, she doesn’t say anything).

Daniela: That’s what I was going to tell you, now you tell me.

Vero: Well, I don’t know what to tell you.

Daniela: Why, what do you think?

Vero: What happens is that I was going to tell you… well, no, forget it. Since when do you like him?

Daniela: Well, since a few days ago, since we did our geography work together, he was very nice to me, when we had to walk along the river, he was so nice, really, he helped me a lot, he was a real gentleman, a real prince.

Vero: Ah cool, I’m really happy for you.

Daniela: Well, I don’t know how he feels, but I like him. You look serious, don’t you like him for me?

Vero: No, that´s not it, I’m really happy for him.

Daniela: No my friend, there is something wrong with you, tell me, what were you going to tell me?

Vero: Nothing, well, I will tell you another day… and I think it’s good that you like Victor, maybe he likes you too.

Daniela: I don’t know, I don’t think so, but anyway, I just wanted to tell you, but seriously my friend, you tell me.

Vero: The truth is that what I wanted to tell you that ….

Daniela: Come on, my friend, with confidence, I’m already worried about you.

Vero: I… (long silence)… I like Victor too, I’m sorry, that’s what I was going to tell you, but you told me first, and it’s very uncomfortable.

Daniela: Wow, I’m sorry friend, I didn’t imagine it, otherwise I wouldn’t tell you anything.

Vero: Don’t worry my friend, really, it doesn’t matter, it will pass.

Daniela: Why, it’s not worth it, and if he likes you and not me, seriously, don’t worry. Since when do you like him?

Vero: A few days ago too, really, i fell bad. I just liked the way he did his science presentation, I thought he was very intelligent and his formal suit fit him very well. Oh no friend, both talking about the same person, this is very strange. Really forget it, I’ll get over it.

Daniela: No my friend, you don’t have to get over it, we are friends, and we both want the best for each other, and before anything else we are friends, right? Let’s make something, a deal, if Victor decides to get closer to one of us, the other one will accept it and that’s it, do you think so?

Vero: I don’t want you to suffer if he approaches me. It wouldn’t be the same for me.

Daniela: That’s true, I think the same if he came close to me. We are friends, that’s the most important thing, maybe this confusion is trying to separate us (they hug).

Vero: Let’s let time heal what we feel, maybe it’s just a momentary attraction.

Narrator: Friendship is an important value, they know that they are in a changing moment in their lives, although they feel intensely, everything can change, however their friendship has a lasting value that they both want to take care of. Applause for them.


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