Monologue about sexuallity in youth (1 character)

This is solo playscript about a young teen that is trying to search his sexual identity.

Title: Finding Me

Author: Georgina Gimenez


  1. Thomas: Is a teen,a bit thoughtful, a bit uncertain, but brave in their search for self-understanding.

STAGE: A bed in the center with a notebook.

Thomas: (Softly) I don’t know… I just… don’t know what´s wrong with me..

(Pauses, fidgeting with the notebook)
People always seem so sure of who they are, like they have this inner compass pointing exactly where they’re supposed to go… but me? I feel like I’m spinning, and I can’t figure out which way is the right path for me.

(Looks down, a bit embarrassed)
There are these moments… when I see someone… and I start to get this feeling. You know, that flutter in your stomach, that warmth in your chest? And it’s not always the same type of person. Sometimes it’s a girl, sometimes a guy… and sometimes, it’s neither.

(Pauses, searching for the right words)
I mean, what does that even mean? Am I supposed to like just one type of person? Everyone else seems to. They make it look so easy, so… clear.

(Stands up)
But for me, it’s like… I’m in the middle of this black fog, trying to see the shape of something, but it keeps changing it´s shape every time I get closer and closer.

(Sits back down, looking out)
I hear the words… gay, straight, bi, queer… but none of them feel like they really fit my identity. Sometimes I’m scared that if I pick one, I’ll be stuck, like I’ll have to be that forever, and what if I’m wrong?

(Voice softens, more vulnerable)
I just want to know who I am. But what if… what if I don’t fit into any of those boxes? What if I’m something else? Or… what if I’m nothing at all?

(Looks at the notebook again, then sets it aside)
But maybe… it’s okay not to have all the answers right now.I´m still young and maybe… I can just be me right now, without the labels, without the pressure, without the stigma.

(Smiles a little, hopeful)
Maybe I’ll figure it out one day. Or maybe I won’t. But either way, I think I’ll be okay. Because… no matter what, I’m still me, and I´m still true to myself.

Maybe it’s not about finding the right label or fitting into a box. Maybe it’s about letting myself evolve, change, grow a little bit… and embracing every part of me.

(Thomas stands up, takes a deep breath, and walks toward the mirror. They look at their reflection for a moment, then smile softly, accepting the journey ahead.)


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