Play script about couple fights (4 characters)

Play for 4 characters. This play shows the complexity that is lived in a couple. Even if there is a lot of love, there are always fights.

Title: “Couple fights”.

Author: Clara Pérez

4 characters:

  1. Narrator: will relate the events.
  2. Wife: She is the one who gets upset in this act.
  3. Husband: Attempts to flatter his wife and gets scolded.
  4. Friend: Witnesses the beginning of the argument.

Act I

Setting: Hall where a party is being held, reggaeton music can be heard and the atmosphere is very lively.

Introduction: The husbands arrive at the party, the wife brings a face of few friends and the husband looks uncomfortable.

Narrator: Men complain that women fight and make a show of everything, and it’s true, definitely trying to please them is almost impossible and if you don’t believe me, pay attention to what happens with this couple.

Husband: Let’s see love, fix that face, look how lively the party is.

Wife: I told you I didn’t want to come, you insisted until you forced me, now you put up with it.

Husband (speaking in a slow tone): Love, you complain that you don’t go out, that you go from work to home, I was invited here and I wanted to bring you here to distract you, go on, change that face.

Wife (annoyed): You leave me alone, and it’s just for a little while and we’re leaving, is that clear?

Husband (shrugging his shoulders): Yes woman, it will be as you wish.

They enter the party and the husband, very animated, approaches a friend, while he goes to him, doing the steps of reggaeton.

Friend (smiling): What’s up brother, how are you doing, I thought you weren’t coming.

Husband (making faces): I almost didn’t come, my wife is very upset because I made her come.

Friend (looking up at his wife): She’s upset? But if there she comes with a smile on her lips, she looks quite normal.

The wife approaches pretending to smile and talks very close to the husband without losing her smile.

Wife (pretending to smile when in reality she is very upset): Shall we go?

Husband (Looking at her impressed to see how she pretends to be fine, while torturing him with her attitude): Love but we just got here.

Wife (still smiling): I told you we’re leaving, or I’ll put on a show for you right now.

Husband: No need, we’re leaving.

Friend (realizing the situation): Well friend thanks for coming, ma’am it was a pleasure.

Wife (still faking the smile): Anyway, everything was very nice.

They leave the party, the wife without saying anything and with a face of few friends.

Act II

Setting: Living room of the husband and wife’s house.

Introduction: They arrive at the house after the party.

Narrator: The husband manages to save himself from the show his wife was threatening to put on at the party, but the worst is yet to come.

Husband (Intrigued): Love but what’s wrong with you, you didn’t say a single word the whole way.

Wife (Very annoyed): You’re going to ask me what’s wrong with me, and since when are you, so old and dancing reggaeton? I told you I didn’t want to go, insisting that I always do what you want; it’s the same thing, I remember that 5 years ago the same thing happened and on July 18th of last year you made me go to your parents’ house and it was a terrible night.

Husband (astonished): How do you even remember what happened 5 years ago? I really don’t understand why you’re so upset.

Wife (almost shouting): Ah, you don’t understand… shall I start over?

Husband: No love, the truth is I prefer to stay with the doubt, don’t start again. But the truth is that I am to blame; well, you are always to blame whatever you do, it is always wrong for you.

Wife (annoyed): And you are going to play the victim? I’m going to sleep, I’m tired of seeing you today.

The wife leaves the room and the husband is left shaking his head and passing his hand over her.


Setting: Same room in the husband and wife’s house.

Narrator: But we complain about women, and what about men, we also know how to make our wives’ lives bitter and we become so intransigent that we are pitiful, if not, look at what is about to happen.

The husband arrives home and his wife is not home, but enters at that moment taking the cell phone out of her purse that starts ringing.

Wife (taking the cell phone and answering it): Hello, how are you, Jesus? Yes, tell me.

Husband (annoyed by the call): Who is it? Hang up, I need you here.

Wife (Signaling with her hand to wait): Yes, of course, Jesus, I’d be happy to, don’t worry.

Husband (getting upset): Ask who are you talking to… Come on, I need to tell you something urgent.

Wife (Turning her back to him): Yes, Jesus, of course, greet your wife and children, see you later.

Husband (When his wife closes the call): Who were you talking to?

Wife (a little nervous because of the husband’s attitude): Jesus.

Husband (looking like he wants to explode): And who is Jesus?

Wife (turning away from him): Oh, it’s a co-worker who needs me to cover for him tomorrow.

Husband (Still upset): Nothing, nothing’s wrong with me, my wife comes home talking to another guy and nothing has to happen to me….

Wife (almost laughing): Are you jealous?

Husband: Jealous me? Of course I’m not jealous, you say all kinds of outrageous things.

The husband leaves the room and the wife is left laughing at the situation.

Narrator: You see how men can also be very complicated, being in a couple is not easy, but even with these little problems, love will always be the best option.


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