Play script about dreams and imagination (4 characters)

This is a play for 4 characters. It shows us how dreams and imagination can be our allies in difficult moments.

Title: “My dream”.

Author: Silvina Carrasco

4 Characters:

  1. Hector: Seventeen-year-old teenager. Withdrawn. He speaks little and is almost always sad.
  2. Marina: Doctor. Hector’s mother: She assumes that her son will study medicine.
  3. Jorge: Doctor. Like Marina, he understands that his son must continue with a tradition he started a long time ago.
  4. Contest Presenter


Characters taking part in this act: Hector, Marina and Jorge.

Scenario: Hector’s room. It is a sad, colorless room, poorly lit by a lamp and a ray of sunlight that enters with difficulty through heavy, opaque curtains.

Hector is lying on the bed writing in a notebook.

(Marina enters excitedly with a large, old book)

-Marina: Look what I found, (shows him the book) Biology from first year, it was mine and now it’s yours.

(Hector looks at her with sadness but doesn’t say anything, he just bows his head)

-Marina: Well, I’ll leave it here. When you can, look at it.

(He leaves it on a desk and goes out.)

She hears from the other side of the door….

-Marina: I don’t know what to do anymore. Nothing excites him, he doesn’t even answer me when I talk to him.

-Jorge: He must be nervous about this new stage. Leave him alone, let him take advantage of being idle, because when he starts college he won’t have time to lie in bed.

Hector, saddened, continues writing in his notebook.


Characters involved in this act: Hector and Marina.

Scene: Hector’s room.

Hector is lying on the bed, writing in his notebook. Marina enters.

-Marina: Hi Hector, I wanted to know if you have started studying for the entrance exam. You know that your father and I can help you with whatever you need.

-Hector: No, I haven’t started yet (he bows his head in sorrow).

-Marina: (hesitates) I’m worried about you. You’re here all the time, alone, not talking to anyone….

(Hector doesn’t answer)

-Marina: The other day, when you were taking a bath, I came in here and read your notebook.

They are wonderful. Do you write them?

-Hector: (a little embarrassed) Yes, they are my songs.


-Hector: Mom, I don’t want to study medicine… I want to sing my songs.

-Marina: I know. I found the brochure of the singing contest in your notebook.

-I’m not going to lie to you, I’m afraid for your future that you won’t study, but I realize your sadness. Besides, in your songs I found all the joy and enthusiasm that I no longer see in your exterior.

We were talking with your father, and although we both have our doubts, we agree that we want you well.

-Hector: It scares me too, but I know that this is my passion. When I write or imagine myself singing, I feel free. It’s as if all the chains that bind me every day are cut and I feel capable of doing anything. Ever since I was a kid you and dad have been telling me what to do, but for the first time I know what I want. What do you think about me entering the contest?

-Marina: Well, it’s been months since I’ve heard you say so many words together, so it must be true that you’re passionate about it.

(They smile at each other)

-Marina: Just do what makes you happy. Your father and I support you.


Characters that intervene in this act: Hector and the contest host.

Stage: Stage of a theater. In the center of the stage, a microphone supported by a foot.

Contest Presenter: (on stage with a hand-held microphone) Now, our last participant, let’s give him a round of applause…Héctor Molina!


Héctor enters with a guitar. He looks nervous but happy for the first time in the show. He sings a song (it can be unpublished or well known).


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