Play script about envy (4 characters)

Play for 4 characters. This play leaves us a great teaching about how malicious and deceitful envy can be.

Title: “You took it from him and now you keep it”.

Author: Clara PĂ©rez

4 characters:

  1. Lara: Gentle girl.
  2. Mery: Envious girl.
  3. Beatriz: Lara and Mery’s friend.
  4. Carlos: Disputed boy.


Setting: University coffee shop.

Introduction: Lara, Mery and Beatriz study at the same college, they are friends, Carlos is Lara’s boyfriend, one afternoon they are together in the coffee shop when Mery enters.

Mery (going to the table and sitting down without asking): Hi guys how are you?

Lara (smiling at her friend): Hi, I would tell you to sit down, but you already did.

Carlos (in a friendly way): How are you Mery?

Mery (in an insinuating and flirtatious way addressing Carlos): I’m fine, can’t you tell?

Carlos (smiling): Yes, of course it shows.

Lara (interrupting a bit annoyed): Well, well, what’s up? Let’s get organized. Mery, did you want something?

Mery (without looking away from Carlos): No, I didn’t want anything I just stopped by to say hello but I’m leaving now, see you later Carlos.

Mery gets up from the table, winking cheekily at Carlos while he smiles with the girl without respecting that Lara is next to him.

Lara (annoyed): I’m done talking to you, see you later.

Carlos (not paying much attention): Ok, see you later.

They both leave the place, days later Mery enters the coffee shop, her face was sad, she took out a notebook and started to leaf through it distractedly until Beatriz entered and sat down next to her.

Beatriz (greeting cheerfully): Hello, how are you?

Mery (answering listlessly): Not very well, a little sad.

Beatriz (intrigued): Why is that, what’s wrong with you?

Mery (embarrassed): I’m going to tell you, but please don’t judge me, it turns out that for a long time I saw Lara and Carlos’ relationship, they looked so good, so happy, they shared everything and I wanted to have a boyfriend like that. I started flirting with Carlos and we started seen frequently, we have been dating for several days now, but it has been horrible, he doesn’t call me, he treats me badly, he flirts with other girls.

Beatriz (trying not to laugh at the situation): Yes, he is like that. You didn’t take away anyone’s boyfriend; a few days ago they were here because Lara was leaving him since he is not the ideal guy, appearances can be deceiving and what looked like a happy couple, was not.

Mery (Surprised): Really? That day I was here, I flirted with Carlos and that afternoon he looked me up and told me he was going to leave her and that he wanted to be my boyfriend, and I thought I had won the lottery so I accepted.

Beatriz (disapproving of what she hears): Can I ask you a question, why if you are friends, did you take him away from her? Or did you try because she had left him?

Mery (embarrassed): I did it out of envy, I wanted to feel like I thought she felt and have a relationship like hers.

Beatriz (smiling maliciously): Well friend, envy is a very bad feeling, it never turns out well, but envy or not, you took it away from her and now you keep it, you deserve it for being a bad friend.

Beatriz gets up and Mery is left sitting at the table with a sad and disappointed face.


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