Play script about finding the way (4 characters)

This is a play for 4 characters. It shows young people the importance of daring to live their own path, beyond the experiences of their parents.

Title: “Love is stronger”.

Author: Silvina Carrasco

4 Characters:

  1. Sofi: She is a young woman in her 20s. She is in love with Javi but is afraid to live her love because she has a negative image of men due to her mother’s teachings.
  2. Javi: He is a young man in his 20s. He is a good boy and is in love with Sofi.
  3. Isabel: Sofi’s mother. She has lived a bad experience with the girl’s father and that is why she has taught her daughter not to trust men.
  4. Zaira: Sofi’s best friend.


Characters taking part in this act: Sofi, Zaira and Isabel.

Scene: Front yard of Sofi and Isabel’s house.

(Sofi and Zaira are talking).

-Zaira: Guess who I was chatting with yesterday.

-Sofi: I don’t know, with whom?

-Zaira: With Javi! And guess who he asked me about during the whole chat.

-Sofi: (feigning disinterest) I don’t know, the owner of that apartment that’s for rent?

-Zaira: Oh Sofi, don’t play dumb, do you think he’s going to ask me about someone else if he knows about you?

-Sofi: I don’t know, he’s so excited about the idea of living alone.

-Zaira: It seems to me that what excites him is to have a place to be alone with you.

-Sofi: Oh Zaira, how you say it, it seems like there’s something going on between us!

-Zaira: That boy is crazy about you.

(Isabel enters the scene)

-Isabel: What boy is crazy about you?

-Sofi: No one, mom.

-Isabel: Whoever he is, I don’t blame him, my daughter is a beauty. But she’s also smart, much smarter than me, luckily. (Addressing Sofi) The same thing that happened to me won’t happen to you. You’re not going to let yourself be fooled by a boy’s enthusiasm disguised as love… In the end all men are the same, they swear eternal love and in a few days it passes and they leave you with a broken heart.

-Zaira: Maybe not all Isabel.

-Isabel: It’s just that you’re still very young, but you’ll understand. Well, I’m going to work, I left some food ready.

-Sofi: Thanks mom.

(Isabel leaves the scene.)

-Sofi: Zaira, don’t contradict my mom like that.

-Zaira: She’s always telling you those awful things about men and love and she doesn’t even think about your feelings, because I know you’re in love with Javi too. If it’s that when you are with him you are a different person, I never see you smile as much as when you are with him.

-Sofi: But she has the right to say what she says. She understands that she was in love with my father and he didn’t care: he went away and left her alone with a daughter of months when he had sworn to love her and take care of her forever.

-Zaira: But that’s her story, my friend, not yours and you have the right to have your own idea of love.


Characters involved in this act: Sofi and Javi and Isabel.

Scene: Kitchen of Sofi and Isabel’s house.

(Sofi and Javi watch a video on a laptop and laugh out loud. Isabel arrives but does not enter the kitchen, she stands watching them from the doorway, without them noticing her).

-Javi: I knew you would like this video, it’s very funny.

-Sofi: Thank you. You’re always thinking of ways to make me feel good.

-Javi: Speaking of which: I’ve decided I’m going to rent the apartment.

-Sofi: Good, congratulations, I knew you were going to end up deciding on that one!

Javi: Yes, it’s perfect, it’s close to here and it has a well-lit space, I had thought that maybe… it could be for your painting workshop, as you told me that you don’t have room here…

-Sofi: No Javi, it’s your apartment and you can use it however you want.

-Javi: The only thing I want is to have you close to me.

-Sofi: (Getting serious) Javi, I see you’re getting confused and I need to make something clear: I can only be your friend.

-Javi: You said I can only be your friend, not I only want to be your friend. I’m in love with you, don’t you feel the same?

-Sofi: It doesn’t matter. Besides, you’re not in love with me, you’re just confused and in a while you’ll get over it.

-Javi: This last time I’ve done nothing but imagine sharing my days with you. Since I met you I only try to be better and better and I feel that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to… and it’s all because of you.

(Isabel enters the kitchen.)

-Isabel: Excuse me, I came to get these folders (She gestures to take some folders that are on the table).

-Sofi: (Getting very nervous) Don’t worry mom, Javi was just leaving.

-Javi: But Sofi….

-Sofi: (Interrupting him) Javi was just leaving (Short pause) Bye Javi, I said you were leaving.

(Javi leaves in sorrow and Sofi starts to cry.)

-Sofi: (Crying) Forgive me mom!

Isabel: Why are you asking for forgiveness?

-Sofi: Because I feel like I’m betraying you.

-Isabel: Why do you say that?

-Sofi: Because I know what you suffered when my dad left, but I’m in love with Javi and I can’t be with you anymore in your pain. I feel in my heart that I want to give him a chance, and that’s what I’m going to do.

(Now Isabel also cries)

-Isabel: Daughter, I didn’t give you the right message, you don’t have to take care of me. I explained the world to you according to what had happened to me, but that was my life, not yours.

-Sofi: So, do you agree with what I decided?

-Isabel: What I think is not what counts. You have the right to live your own story.


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