Play script about friends in love (3 characters)

This is a play for 3 characters. It tells the story of two friends who are in love and one day decide to confront their feelings, but their fears will not let them go on…

Title of the play: “I have a date”

Author: María Gabriela Méndez

3 Characters:

  1. Narrator (Female Voice)
  2. Jess (Girl)
  3. Mark (Boy)


In the first act there are parallel spaces separated by a wall, where two scenes are happening at the same time: both boys in their respective rooms having a monologue. Always in the form of comedy. It takes two beds, a hairdresser, accessories for a young teenager’s room, accessories for a girl’s room, two full mirrors, two chairs.

In a second act is the meeting on a single stage, at a dinner party. This requires a romantically decorated table and two chairs.

Narrator: Jess and Mark met at school. Jess arrived this year from out of town and from the moment Mark first saw her walk in, he was impressed by Jess’ charms, with her flowing hair, simple makeup, and the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen. He couldn’t help but approach her and gently welcome her to his new school.

Jess, also thinks that Mark is the most handsome boy she has ever seen, and he is also very gentle and attentive to her.

As the days go by, the friendship between Mark and Jess has grown. They always share during break time and Mark gives her his favorite ice cream every day.

Three (3) months have passed and Mark has decided to take the big step: he wants to invite her to dinner to confess how much he would like her to be his girlfriend. Without further add, he tells her if they can have dinner on Friday night; she has been waiting for this invitation since the first moment she met Mark, so she doesn’t hesitate to accept it.

They meet on Friday at 7pm at a restaurant.

Friday 4pm

Act I

Jess: (She enters the room as if it were 6:30pm, she is quite anxious about her first date, she doesn’t know what to wear, how to do her hair, what makeup to put on, but most of all, there are many thoughts in her head, she looks at the mirror, then takes two pieces of clothing from her closet, one in each hand, and starts to let her thoughts speak for themselves) – Will he like dresses? … Well, I’d better wear jeans… No, no, I must dress up… What will he talk to me about tonight?… What if he asks me to be his girlfriend… I will die if he does that (pause, sits down on the chair).

I die?… I die if he doesn’t ask me… I would scream yes (Pause: She stands up from the chair a little euphoric and decides to go to the hairdresser and get her hair dryer, looks at the make-up, chooses a lipstick and several items, and sits on the bed).

Mark, I’m sure he’ll look gorgeous tonight. (Pause: she lies down on the bed, sighs and closes her eyes to imagine her brand new “future boyfriend” arriving at the place, with a bouquet of roses… Suddenly she realizes that time is passing too fast, she must hurry, she sits up, but her thoughts are stronger than her so she goes back to bed) – He has never seen me out of uniform. What if he doesn’t like me, what if he regrets it?

(The scene freezes and she lies on her bed staring at the ceiling.)

Narrator: 5:30pm

Mark: (He goes into his room, quickly grabs a pair of jeans, some casual shoes, a pair of trendy shirts, and looks in the mirror) – What is Jess wearing tonight… I’m sure she’s wearing jeans… – I’ve never seen her in jeans… She must look beautiful. But she’ll definitely go casual, she’s very simple. I think this shirt is the most appropriate. (She goes to her closet, pulls out a perfume and quickly places it on the bed).

I’m going to take a bath (she takes a towel that is folded on the bed and leaves the scene, implying that she is going to take a bath).

Narrator: 5:40pm

Jess: (sits up and says looking at the mirror emphatically) – Stop it, fix yourself, or it’ll be time to go and you’ll be staring at the ceiling (picks up a towel and exits the scene implying she’s going to take a shower)

Narrator: 5:55pm

Mark: (Exits the bathroom dressed, throws the towel on the bed and goes to the mirror to comb his hair) – Should I ask her to be my girlfriend (Uses some hairspray) – Better not… It’s too soon to ask her to be my girlfriend. I think I should wait a few more months. Surely she will tell me no, it may be too hasty on my part. I won’t, after all, we have plenty of time to share.

(She stands combing her hair looking at the mirror, she pretends, tries many ways of combing her hair. And while this is happening Jess enters the scene)

Narrator: 6:15pm

Jess: (sits in her chair in front of the mirror and starts using the hair dryer. Offstage she is dressed very smartly, she has some beautiful heels visible, to imply that those are the ones she has chosen to wear) – I don’t think I look smart enough for the occasion. (As she is getting ready, she continues to give free rein to her thoughts).

I think he will ask me to be his girlfriend… I…. I want him to do it… God, (looks up at the sky) Please do it!!!!

Narrator: 6:45pm

(They both continue to comb their hair in front of the mirror. Mark finishes grooming himself rather casually, modern, but casual and exits the scene while Jess continues to do her make-up in front of the mirror in a rather elegant, yet modern and not out of place, yet rather more elegant dress than Mark)

Jess: (Still in the mirror) – When he asks me to be his girlfriend, I’m going to look him straight in the eyes like this (And she approaches the mirror trying to be sensual) – And I’ll tell him yes! (She looks excited).

-I must go now… I must be ready (She leaves the stage)

(There is a change of scenery, for act 2)

Act II

Narrator: 7:05pm

(They both appear face to face… Although there is no audible sound, they are greeting each other and Mark invites Jess to sit down, then they continue to interact until the end of the play but they are no longer audible to each other. Only their thoughts are heard through a recording of their own voices)

Mark: – She looks beautiful…. But I definitely don’t picture her dressed like that. What is she thinking, that I didn’t make a big deal about our date?

Jess: – I kind of thought I was going to my engagement party? Do I want to go back and get my jeans?

Mark: – Now like I should ask her to be my girlfriend… No no… Better not… I already got my wardrobe wrong… I don’t want to get it wrong right now.

Jess: – Where are my flowers?… I’m sure she has a present in her pockets.

Mark: And I didn’t even buy her any flowers…

Jess: – It doesn’t matter, if he asks me to be his girlfriend… I want him to… Why does he talk so much about other things?

Mark: – I’ll talk about every topic I can think of, I don’t want to leave room for her to think I’m going to ask her to be my girlfriend, I don’t want to make her uncomfortable.

Jess: – Now yes, this is the moment…. (Pause) He didn’t… Before we leave I’m sure he will hold my hands and tell me something romantic.

Mark: – I think it’s time to go. I don’t know what to talk about anymore.

(Mark stands up from his chair, as well as Jess, and they start to leave the place)

Jess: – She won’t tell me anything, she doesn’t like my dress.

Mark: – She looks beautiful, too bad it’s not the time to ask her to be my girlfriend.

Narrator: And so ends this day, no flowers, no girlfriend, no boyfriend, so Mark and Jess will remain friends until… Until their thoughts agree.

The End

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