Play script about good manners (4 characters)

Play for 4 characters about the importance of respect and good manners.

Title: “More is gained with a drop of honey than with a drop of ice”.

Author: Clara Pérez

4 characters:

  1. Greta: Girl who thinks she deserves everything.
  2. Melanie: Considerate and well educated girl.
  3. Aleksander: Father of Greta and Melanie.
  4. Janeth: Mother of the girls.


Setting: Kitchen of the house, where there is a table to have breakfast.

Introduction: Janeth prepares breakfast for the family when Greta enters, sitting at the table to wait for the food.

Greta (taking an orange from the center of the table and starting to remove the peel): Mom, on Saturday I want to wear my black pants, wash them because they are dirty and if you don’t do it in time I will have to wear something else.

Janeth (without stopping making the food): Greta, the washing machine doesn’t have my name on it, you are big and if you need the pants, look for them, wash them, make sure that by Saturday they will be ready and you will be able to wear them.

Greta (annoyed): Mom,but why it bothers you so much? wash it, you are the mother, it is up to you to do those things.

Janeth (smiling ironically): Well, if you don’t wash it, go and think about what other clothes you are going to wear, because I already told you I won’t do it.

Melanie enters smiling.

Melanie (approaching her mother to give her a kiss before sitting down): Good morning, Mommy, do you know where my white shirt is? I want to iron it because I’m going to wear it on the weekend, do you have any idea? If not, I’ll look for it, no problem.

Janeth: Yes, I know where it is, in the ironing room, but don’t worry daughter, I will iron it and put it in your closet.

Greta (annoyed): What do you mean, you’re going to iron her shirt and you can’t wash my pants?

Janeth (smiling): That’s right Greta, I will iron her shirt.

Greta: Mom that’s favoritism, what kind of….

Aleksander (interrupting the conversation): Good morning family, how did you wake up?

Melanie: Fine daddy. Hey, I wanted to ask you a favor, on Saturday I am going to meet some friends, I told them to be there at the time you are going for groceries, to see if you can take me to the mall we are going to?

Aleksander: Sure daughter, it is on my way, I will take you there.

Greta: You have to take me to my friend’s house at night, we are going out and you can’t go to bed early to take me.

Aleksander (annoyed by his daughter’s tone): I am not going to stay up late to take you anywhere, call a reliable cab to take you.

Greta: Do you also have favoritism for Melanie? She is going to have her shirt ironed, you are going to take her to the mall and me? what the hell?

Janeth (sitting next to her daughters): Nobody wants you to be mad, but you must learn the importance of knowing how to ask for things, you cannot play with other people’s time, nor demand that others do what you want. You demanded that I wash your pants, your sister asked me for her shirt to iron it herself, she knows how to ask for things better than you do.

Aleksander: That’s right, and your sister adjusted her commitment to the time she knows I have to go out, you think I have to stop sleeping to fulfill a whim for you. The day you learn not to abuse, to ask for favors and to ask if people can do things, that day you will get everyone to be more willing to help you.

Greta (thinking about it for a moment): You are right, I have been very rude, mommy I will wash my pants and don’t worry daddy, I will call a cab now and next time I will ask.

Aleksander: I’m glad you understood honey.

Aleksander approaches his daughter kissing her head and hugging her.


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