Play script about good teachers (10 characters)

This is a play for 10 characters. It shows us how good teachers influence children; leaving in them self-confidence and encouragement that will accompany them throughout their lives.

Title: “Homage to my teacher”.

Author: Silvina Carrasco

10 Characters:

  1. Merlina: She is a charming ten year old girl. She is a very good student and has many interests, the biggest one: animals. Even so, her family does not value her intelligence, her dedication and her passions.
  2. “Miss Gaby”: She is Merlina’s primary school teacher. She is about 40 years old. She is very affectionate and has a real vocation for working with children. She will be the one to stimulate Merlina’s self-confidence and talents.
  3. Maria: She is Merlina’s mother. She is about 36 years old. She has many children and little time to dedicate to each one in particular. Generally, she walks around sweeping, picking up things from the floor, folding clothes, cleaning, tidying up, etc.
  4. Jorge: He is Merlina’s father. He is about 38 years old. He is very demanding and finds it hard to see his daughter’s achievements.
  5. Student 1: 10-year-old girl. She is one of Merlina’s classmates.
  6. Student 2: 10-year-old boy. He is one of Merlina’s classmates.
  7. Student 3: 10-year-old boy. He is a classmate of Merlina.
  8. Adult Merlina: She is a woman of about 35 years old. She retains the sweetness and cordiality of her childhood.
  9. Elderly Gaby: She is a lovely old lady with white hair and glasses.
  10. Thomy: Grandson of old Gaby.


Characters taking part in this act: Merlina, María and Jorge.

Scenario: Living room of a family house. In it: a television, a two-piece armchair, two individual armchairs, a small table in the middle; on one side, a table with a mountain of clothes to be folded and glasses and plates with leftover food; everywhere, toys, backpacks, bags….

(Maria sweeps and picks up from the floor whatever she finds on her way. Merlina runs in with her school uniform, a backpack and a notebook in her hand).

-Merlina: (very happy) Look, mom, Gaby gave me an A on my aquatic ecosystem homework! She also wrote me a congratulatory note because she said I did my research very well!

(Maria continues tidying up and picking things up from the floor).

-Maria: That’s great, show me later.

-Merlina: But look! She also sent me to show the headmistress because she said she was surprised by my homework!

-Maria: (Raising her voice) Merlina, show me later! Can’t you see I’m busy now?!

(Merlina, sad, goes to do her homework at the little table next to the armchairs. Jorge arrives and sits down next to her to watch TV).

-Merlina: Look, Dad, I got an A and a grade on my homework.

-Jorge: Let’s see (looks at the notebook). Mmmm, okay, but look (reads different parts of the homework) “Ecosystem”, “the ecosystem”, “aquatic ecosystem”, “the animals of the ecosystem”. You wrote one, two, three, four, five… nine times the word ecosystem in five paragraphs. That’s what synonyms are for, so you don’t always repeat the same word.

-Merlina: But, Mrs. Gaby says I’m doing my homework better and better and that when I grow up I’m going to know as much about animals as the veterinarians do.

-Jorge: (pointing to the notebook) And what is this?

-Merlina: A shark.

-Jorge: Maria, do aquatic ecosystems have sharks?

-Maria: (As she starts to fold the pile of clothes) I don’t know! Do you see that I look like I’m for ecosystems?

-Jorge: (To Merlina) It doesn’t look like a shark, you drew it just like the other fish, only bigger. Look, the shark’s fins are different (with a pencil, he starts to draw over the drawing already made).

(Merlina is sad).


Characters involved in this act: Teacher Gaby, Merlina, Student 1, Student 2 and Student 3.

Scenario: Classroom of an elementary school, small and cozy, with pictures on the walls, a desk, benches and chairs.

(One child sits behind each bench, the teacher stands up from her chair).

-Gaby: Were you able to do all the vertebrate animal homework I left you?

(Looking at them one by one)

-Student 2: No, teacher.

-Student 3: I didn’t finish.

-Student 1: There were too many questions, teacher.

-Gaby: But you had the whole weekend to answer them. I’m sure someone did finish them. Merlina?

-Merlina: (Proudly) Yes, sir.

-Student 1: But Merlina is the smartest at animal homework!

– Gaby: They are all smart… But it is true that Merlina knows very well what she likes, and in animal things she even knows more than me.

(They all laugh.)


Characters that take part in this act: Merlina as an adult, old Mrs. Gaby and Thomy.

Scenery: A small greengrocer’s shop: crates of fruits and vegetables and a small counter.

Old Gaby carefully picks apples from a drawer. Merlina, an adult, peers into the entrance of the greengrocer’s shop, looks around for a moment and slowly approaches the old woman, wanting to confirm that it is Mrs. Gaby. Once next to her, she speaks to her.

Merlina adult: Excuse me?

Old Mrs. Gaby: Yes?

Merlina adult: Mrs.?… Mrs. Gaby?

Old Gaby: Yes?

Merlina adult: Hello! I was passing by and I saw you through the window! Do you remember me? I was a student of yours many years ago, about 25, in school 142. I am Merlina, Merlina Fernández.

(Mrs. Gaby thinks for a moment)

Old Mrs. Gaby: (Excited) Merlina! Of course I remember you!

(They hug each other)

Old Gaby: How you been, what has happened to your life, do you still live in the city?

Merlina adult: No, I went to live in the south. I am a marine biologist. I graduated and went to Europe to specialize. When I came back, my dream job was waiting for me in the south: surrounded by nature and marine animals.

Old Gaby: (Proudly) I’m very happy, but I’m not surprised, you were always so capable and passionate!

Adult Merlina: (looks at her with affection, as if seeing her childhood teacher again) A few months ago I was awarded a prize for a work I developed about ocean microorganisms. While I was preparing my thank-you speech, I remembered you again and again.

(Merlina adult tries to contain her emotion)

Adult Merlina: Without the confidence and encouragement you gave me when I was little, I don’t know if I would have achieved all that I did.

My parents did the best they could, but they made me feel that my dreams were not important. Instead, every time I came to the classroom, you, with your support and encouragement, made me realize that if I worked, I could achieve anything I wanted. That feeling stayed with me all my life and lifted me up in difficult times.

(Enter Thomy running)

Thomy: Grandma, can I help you with the shopping?

Old Gaby: Just a moment Thomy, I’m chatting with a dear student from many years ago.

Merlina adult: No, I’m leaving now. I’m on my way back home and it’s a long trip. I just came in because I wanted to say hello… I just wanted to say THANK YOU.


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