Title: “The tree in the park”.
Author: Yanett Mora.
3 Characters:
- Andrew (8 year old boy).
- Jessica (7 year old girl).
- Grandma (68 year old lady).
Act I
Setting: City park.
Introduction: Andrew and Jessica were playing in the park as usual around their favorite tree. It was the biggest tree in the whole park, it was full of leaves and had very strong branches where they liked to hang on and make like little monkeys.
Andrew : Look at me Jessica! I’m a bad monkey.
Jessica (making monkey sounds): Look at me, I’m the strongest monkey in the whole park.
Andrew: By the way Jessica, what are we going to do with the snack scraps we left by the tree?
Jessica: Leave it there, Andrew, don’t pay attention to it, the trash can is far away from here.
Andrew: Okay!
Jessica and Andrew continued playing.
Act II
Setting: City park.
Introduction: Jessica and Andrew were playing in the tree as they did every afternoon.
Jessica: Andrew, I think this tree is a little dirty.
Andrew: Yes, it is a little dirty, but I don’t think we’re the only ones who have accumulated all this garbage!
Jessica: Maybe we should pick it up.
Andrew: No Jessica! Let the others pick it up, by the looks of it, it’s too much garbage, we must not be the only ones coming to this tree.
While Andrew and Jessica continued playing, Andrew’s grandmother came over to the tree to supervise them.
Jessica: Look Andrew, it’s your grandma!
Andrew: Hi Grandma, welcome to our tree!
Grandma: Hi guys!
Andrew: Grandma, did you bring us some delicious snacks to share? Suddenly there was a rustling sound. Everyone was silent. It was the branch from where Andrew was hanging.
Jessica: Oh my God, what is that noise?
The branch snapped and Andrew fell to the ground. Jessica laughed.
Andrew: The branch broke, but why, what happened?
Grandma: Andrew, are you all right? are you in any pain?
Andrew: Yes, grandma, I’m fine, I’m not hurt. I just want to know why the branch broke, it was my favorite of all the branches in the tree, it was the strongest!
Grandma: Mmm… I think I know what happened.
Jessica (coming down from the branch): Why, Grandma, what happened?
Grandma: It seems to me that this tree, even though it looks big and strong, can’t take so much garbage anymore.
And what does the garbage have to do with the tree?
Grandma: Pollution is the biggest problem the planet earth suffers. This garbage that is accumulated here does a lot of damage to the tree.
Jessica: I didn’t know that we could cause so much damage to nature with our waste.
Grandma: Why instead of throwing your waste in the trash cans, do you leave it here?
Andrew: It’s not just our waste, there is also other people’s waste! Besides, the trash can is far away from us!
Grandma: Children, this waste not only causes pollution, it also produces pests that transmit diseases to people. Saving nature and plants depends only on us.
Jessica: Is that why the tree branch broke off?
Grandma: Yes Jessica, even though you can’t see it with the naked eye on the tree, all this is hurting it. Doesn’t it give them a bad smell? That bad smell is the decomposition of all the waste, hindering oxygen and causing the tree’s roots to absorb it.
The children couldn’t help but feel guilty about what had happened.
Andrew: Grandma, what can we do now?
Jessica: Yes grandma, what can we do? I want to help him heal, it’s the only place we have to play.
Grandma: They need to learn not to litter everywhere. Many of the things we do affect our environment, as is the case with the tree. Nature is not only a place where you can play and feel free, it is also home to many living things! Magnificent actions such as taking care of a tree need the nobility of others with simple tasks. Even if it didn’t seem important to them to pick up the garbage just like other people, by simply picking it up, they were taking care of the tree. Just as the tree allows you to play among its branches, you should show it respect.
Andrew: Jessica, let’s pick up all this trash and take it to the trash can!
Jessica: Yes, Andrew!
Jessica and Andrew pick up all the garbage from the tree and take it to the can. On the way back they sit in the tree with their Grandma
Andrew: It really feels different, the tree.
Grandma: Although it may not seem necessary, we shouldn’t take it lightly not to pick up trash. We only have one world, and this is it. We must learn to love nature and protect it.
Jessica: You know, Grandma? Now I put myself in the position of the tree and I would feel really bad to be messed up and not cared for when in return what I do is purify the air and keep my branches strong so that children like us can play in them.
Grandma. Our very essence is to be in direct contact with nature.
Andrew: Jessica, starting tomorrow we will make sure that the tree stays clean. And we could also spread the word in the park so that we all take care of our spaces and don’t pollute!
Jessica: That’s a great idea!
Grandma: Oh, kids, I almost forgot to give you your snack.
Grandma brings out some delicious breads with peanut butter and lemonade and everyone starts to eat. Suddenly, an apple falls on Andrew’ head.
Andrew (Touching his head): OUCH!
Jessica (Laughing): Look grandma! The tree just threw an apple on Andrew’ head!
Grandma: Hahaha, yes Jessica, I’m sure it threw it at him as a sign of thanks.
Andrew (taking a big bite of the apple): This apple doesn’t look bad at all! MMM, to tell you the truth, it’s really juicy.
Jessica: Give me some, Andrew, I want to try it too.
Grandma: Nature is wise, she gives us portraits of true beauty every day. And as the saying goes: “Try to leave the world in better condition than it was when you came into it”.
This play was really good and helpful.It has saved a lot of time.