Play script about positive attitude (4 characters)

This is a play for 4 characters. Its message is that the fact that situations are favorable or unfavorable, most of the time depends on the attitude with which each one faces them.

Title: “A matter of attitude”.

    Author: Silvina Carrasco

    4 Characters:

    1. Elena: Young woman of about 26 years old. She has a really positive attitude towards life (she always chooses to see the positive).
    2. José: He has been working for some time in the office where Elena starts working. He is the one who welcomes the young woman to her new job.
    3. Luján: She is also a former employee of the office.
    4. Mario: The boss. A rude and hostile-looking man who is feared by his employees.

    ACT I

    Characters involved in this act: Elena and José.
    Scene: An office with desks, computers, papers everywhere, pens and pencils, files and a cup of coffee.

    José is working on his computer. Elena approaches.

    -Elena: Hi, I’m Elena Perez. I was told to come to this office.

    -José: Ah, you are the new colleague. Nice to meet you, my name is José, we are going to work together.

    (They greet each other)

    -José: (Pointing to a computer) You can work here. To begin with, you should fill out these forms with this data, print what is in this folder, sort by dates and file. When you finish, let me know.

    -Elena: (Sits down at her desk) Very well.

    -José: (In a more confidential tone) There are some things you should know from the beginning. That’s Mario’s office, the boss. As you’ll see, it’s close by, so you’re not allowed to make noise when he’s around: he doesn’t tolerate noise, not even the slightest noise.

    -Elena: I understand, some people need silence to be able to fully concentrate on the tasks they are doing.

    -José: (Trying to be supportive of the new colleague and warning her) You have to know that if you want to stay in this job you should not contradict him on anything even if you know he is wrong, he always thinks he is right.

    Elena: Ok, he must be a very self-confident man. It takes a lot of confidence and commitment to be responsible for the work of so many people.

    -José: I would say he is very stern and usually has a bad temper, and don’t tell him your personal problems because he is not interested in them; he only expects his employees to make the company work.

    -Elena: How admirable, I can tell he is passionate about his work!

    -José: (Surprised by his partner’s attitude) You don’t seem to understand me. If I tell you all this, it’s beacause i want you to keep your job and suffer as little as possible.

    -Elena: And I thank you, but it’s not my way of facing life.

    -José: Mario is really hard on his employees; we are all afraid of him here. When he shows up, not a fly flies away, and that’s the way it’s always been. Besides, how can he seem so admirable to you if you haven’t met him yet?

    -Elena: Look José, whether I like or dislike someone or something doesn’t depend on their appearance or their apparent way of being, but on my willingness to like them. We all have positive and negative characteristics in equal measure and people behave according to how they are treated.

    ACT II

    Characters involved in this act: Elena, Luján, José and Mario.

    Scenario: The same office as in Act I.

    Elena, José and Luján work and have a pleasant conversation.

    -José: I’m hungry!

    -Luján: Yes, let’s make lunch time fast! What are you going to cook in the evening?

    -Elena: I’m going to cook something light.

    -José: I’m going to eat whatever the delivery brings.

    -Luján: I’m going to make a great lasagna (pronounces the exclamation with an Italian tone).

    (The three companions laugh)

    (In an instant, the laughter stops and the atmosphere becomes tense. Mario enters with his usual seriousness. José and Luján become serious and quiet and greet each other in unison.)

    -José: Good morning, Mario.

    -Luján: Good morning, Mario.

    -Mario: (Without responding to the greeting) Luján, the balance sheets, as always, have errors. I need them perfect before the weekend.

    -Luján: (Nervous) Yes… it’s just that I had… little time and…

    -Mario: (interrupts her) I need them perfect before the weekend.

    (Mario continues on his way to his office. He stops and comes back)

    -Mario: Elena, are you still here?

    -Elena: Yes Mr. Mario, I wanted to finish this but I’m leaving now, visiting hours are about to start.

    -Mario: Well, I hope everything is all right with your mother. There is no problem with you changing your day off for tomorrow if you need it. (He goes to his office.)

    -Elena: Thank you, Mr. Mario.

    (José and Luján look at each other puzzled by Mario’s kindness).

    -Elena: (Understanding the astonishment of her companions) It’s just that my mother is under observation at the hospital. Nothing serious, but as a precaution they have left her for a few more days.

    -Luján: And Mario let you leave during working hours to go see her?

    -Elena: Yes… I just explained the situation to him and, like any understanding person, he gave me permission.

    -José: It’s just that he has never been understanding with us….

    -Elena: It’s just that everyone here has always been afraid of him. They have treated him with distrust and he has responded in the same way. I, for my part, have always treated him with respect and cordiality and he has responded in the same way. It’s just a matter of how you deal with situations. (He leaves.)


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