Title: “The sun and the moon”
Author: Clara PĂ©rez
6 Characters:
- Sun: very sure of himself, capable of achieving everything he sets out to do.
- Moon: Very unsure of herself, she lets herself be convinced by the sun to help him in his purpose.
- Inhabitant 1: Suffers the consequences of the agreement between the sun and the moon.
- Inhabitant 2: Decides to talk to the sun and reverse the damage.
- Inhabitant 3: Fearful and pessimistic, he has no confidence in the group.
- Inhabitant 4: Accompanies the group to convince the sun.
Act I
Setting: The sky in full sunset.
Introduction: The sun and the moon are in full sunset, that moment when the sun must hide so that the moon begins to rise.
Sun: Hello moon, how lazy this is, every evening doing the same thing. I hide and you come out.
Moon: That’s the way it should be sun, people wait until it gets dark to rest.
Sun: (Speaking with much conviction) No moon, how wrong you are, look, people like me, I am the clarity, during my stay they can go out, work, play, walk. I am the one who gives them the most profitable moments, besides I am the sun king. Everybody loves me.
Moon: (Feeling insecure as always) Do you think so, Sun?
Sun: (Being very astute) Sure, what do you bring them? When night falls people should lock themselves in their houses. When do robberies and assaults occur? At night. Everything is paralyzed with your arrival, you don’t do them any good.
Moon: (Feeling sad) I hadn’t thought of that, but I’m no good for anything, sun.
Sun: (Taking advantage of the moon’s insecurity) We could fix that, moon. Let’s eliminate the sunset, I won’t stop shining all day long, you won’t go out and so people will live happily under the sun, always.
Moon: (Disappointed in herself) Let’s do it that way sun, you’re right.
Act II
Setting: A street in the city, with the sun at the back very bright.
Introduction: The inhabitants of the city gather together concerned about the situation.
Inhabitant 1: This is unbearable, we need the night, the sun has committed a great abuse.
Inhabitant 2: Let’s talk to the sun, let’s go to him and make him give us back the night.
Inhabitant 3: Talk to the sun? That’s impossible, besides it wouldn’t listen to us.
Inhabitant 4: It doesn’t cost us anything to try, let’s go right now.
They leave the stage in search of the sun.
Ambience: The very bright sun in front of the inhabitants.
Introduction: The inhabitants plant themselves in front of the sun to demand that it return the night.
Sun: Dear inhabitants, what brings you here?
Inhabitant 1: We want to talk to you and the moon.
Inhabitant 2: (Beginning to shout loudly) Moon, moon, appear!
Moon: What’s going on?
Inhabitant 3: He’s already upset and won’t listen to us.
Inhabitant 4: Shut up! They will listen to us.
Inhabitant 1: Moon, you have to give us back the night. We can’t go on like this.
Moon: But why do you want the night? I am darkness, I am conducive to assaults, you have to lock yourselves in your house.
Inhabitant 2: Moon, life is a cycle. Who told you that?
Moon: (pointing to the sun) he told me.
Inhabitant 4: He took advantage of your insecurity. Sun you cheated. Moon we need the night to rest, to refresh the city, to look at the stars, for the hours of work to end. Both are necessary.
Moon: Really? Sun, I’m sorry, but today there will be moon whether you like it or not. I thought I was useless, but I’m necessary, so give us back the night.
Sun: (Resigned) Well I tried, but it didn’t work. All right, starting today you will have day and night again Happy?
The inhabitants raise a ruckus and begin to leave the stage.
Sun: (With some mischief) Moon. If you had been safer, I wouldn’t steal all the nights I stole from you.
Moon: I know, but it won’t happen again. Now get off, it’s my time to work.
The sun begins to set and the moon begins to rise.