Play script about the History of Canada for children (10 characters)

This is a short script for children or for teens to play in schools or high schools about the history of Canada.

Title: The Story of Canada

Author: Georgina Gimenez

10 Characters

Setting: A classroom with a map of Canada on the wall. There are props such as a canoe, a fur pelt, a beaver hat, a hockey stick, and a small Canadian flag. The children are gathered, excited to present the history of Canada.


Character 1:
(Standing near the map)
Hey, everyone! Today, we’re going to learn all about the amazing history of Canada! Are you ready?

All Characters:

Character 2:
Canada’s story starts long before it was even called Canada! The Indigenous peoples were here first. They lived off the land, hunted, and fished. They had their own languages and cultures.

Character 3:
(Holding a fur pelt)
And they were great traders! The fur trade was really important. They traded fur with the European explorers who came here in the 1500s. Imagine traveling all that way in a small ship!

Character 4:
Like Jacques Cartier! He was one of the first European explorers to sail up the Saint Lawrence River. He even met some of the Indigenous people and learned from them.

Character 5:
And then came Samuel de Champlain, who founded Quebec City in 1608! He’s often called the “Father of New France.” He worked with the Indigenous people and helped build relationships.

Character 6:
(Holding a small canoe)
The fur trade continued to grow, and so did the colonies. People came from France to settle in what they called New France. They used canoes to travel and trade!

Character 7:
But Canada wasn’t just French! The British came too. They wanted control over the land and the fur trade. This led to some conflicts, like the Seven Years’ War.

Character 8:
(Holding a British flag)
In 1763, the British won the war, and New France became a British colony. But the French culture and language stayed strong. That’s why Canada has both French and English as official languages today!

Character 9:
Fast forward to 1867, Canada became a country! Well, kind of. The British North America Act united four provinces: Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. It was the birth of the Dominion of Canada!

Character 10:
(Holding a hockey stick)
And look at Canada now! We have ten provinces and three territories. We’re known for hockey, beautiful landscapes, and being really friendly!

Character 1:
(Holding a small Canadian flag)
And let’s not forget, Canada is a country that values diversity and multiculturalism. People from all over the world come here and make Canada even more special!

All Characters:
Yay, Canada!

Character 2:
So that’s the story of Canada. From Indigenous peoples to explorers, from fur traders to modern-day, Canada has a rich and amazing history.

Character 3:
And it keeps growing and changing. Who knows what the future will bring?

Character 4:
But one thing’s for sure: we can all be proud of Canada’s history and look forward to its bright future!

All Characters:
(Waving the flag and cheering together)


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