Play script about the importance of hand washing ( 4 characters)

This is a play for 4 characters that deals with the importance that children should give to washing their hands (about the times we are living in).

Title: “The importance of hand washing”.

Author: Yanett Mora

4 characters:

  1. Benjamin: (8 year old boy).
  2. King Virus: (voice in off, mysterious and a little distorted).
  3. Doctor: (40 year old man).
  4. Mom: (40 years old woman).

Setting: Benjamin’s backyard.

Introduction: Benjamin loved to play in the dirt with his toy trucks and his little dog Loui, but he never wanted to listen to his elders and didn’t like to wash his hands before eating.


Mom (voice-over): Benjamin, it’s time to eat! Come in and remember to wash your hands well before sitting at the table, please.

Benjamin (sounds stubborn): No mom, I’m very hungry, I want to eat now!

Mom (voice-over): Benjamin, it will only take you 40 seconds to wash your hands.

We see Benjamin enter the house and pretend he is washing his hands in the bathroom while he continues to play with his truck.

Benjamin: Ready mom, I’ve washed my hands!

Mom: Alright Benjamin, now come and eat!


Setting: Dusk, Benjamin’s room.

Introduction: Benjamin hears a strange noise in his stomach at the same time he begins to feel dizzy and feverish.

Benjamin (in a pained voice): What’s happening to me?

Immediately, dark laughter is heard.

Benjamin (frightened): Who is laughing? Whose voice is that?

King Virus (voice-over): It’s me, King Virus!

Benjamin: King Virus, who are you, and why are you in my body?

King Virus (voice-over, scary and loud): Although I’m so small you can’t see me, I’m worse than any monster, I can make you very sick! I dwell inside people, and how can I not live here, it’s the perfect home for me! You put aside your personal hygiene and that has created a palace full of comfort so I can grow up happy.


Setting: Doctor’s office.

Introduction: Benjamin and his mother meet the Doctor, who patiently examines Benjamin.

Doctor (in a serious but kind tone): Benjamin, this is what happens when you don’t listen to your elders, you have made yourself sick by not washing your hands before feeding yourself.
Take these medicines for seven days and don’t forget to wash your hands when you get home from your walks, especially before eating and before greeting your grandparents.
Washing your hands for 40 seconds, with plenty of soap, without leaving any space that does not receive the same, and then remove it with plenty of water, helps us to maintain a nice appearance, good health and wellness, while we avoid making others sick. All the spaces where we carry out our daily activities are surrounded by microbes and bacteria that, although you can’t see them with the naked eye, can cause viruses that can make us seriously ill.

Benjamin, sad, looks at the floor.


Setting: Benjamin’s house.

Introduction: Benjamin goes to the bathtub to take a good bath with plenty of soap and water.

King Virus (voice-over, upset): No Benjamin! What are you doing? The soap is pulling me away from your body.

Benjamin: That’s what I want to do, I don’t want you to live inside me anymore, I don’t want you to make me sick and have to stay away from my grandparents so as not to infect them with you!

King Virus (voice-over): Benjamin, you’ve won this time, but remember that if you don’t follow the doctor’s instructions correctly, I’ll be lurking here to inhabit your body, make you sick and then I can infect others through you.

Benjamin: I’ve learned my lesson and I won’t let it happen again, go away King Virus, you can’t do it again!

King Virus (voice-over, shouting alteredly): HAHAHAHA, remember I can come back very easily!

Benjamin(dries himself, gets dressed in clean clothes and as he leaves, hugs his mom): Mom, I’m sorry I lied to you and didn’t listen to you and the doctor. I will not put our health at risk again, from now on, hygiene will be my best friend.


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