Playscript of United States of America for children (5 characters)

This is a play script of the history of USA for children to act in schools.

Title of the play: The Story of USA


  1. Character 1
  2. Character 2
  3. Character 3
  4. Character 4
  5. Character 5

Author: Georgina Gimenez

Stage: A simple stage with five characters standing in a line. The backdrop displays iconic American imagery: the Liberty Bell, the Declaration of Independence, the Statue of Liberty or iconic costumes form America.

Character 1 :
(Steps forward, excited)
Hey everyone! Let’s take a trip back in time. To a moment that changed everything: the birth of a nation. Who knows what year I’m talking about?

Character 2 :
(Raises hand eagerly)
1776! The year America declared its independence from Britain.

Character 3 :
That’s right! Thirteen colonies said, “Enough is enough!” and took a stand for freedom. Imagine it: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin… all fighting for the same dream.

Character 4 :
(Steps forward, speaking dramatically)
But hold on! It wasn’t just a piece of paper. It was a fight, a real struggle. Farmers and ordinary people taking on one of the strongest armies in the world!

Character 5 :
(Joining in)
The Revolutionary War was tough. Many thought we couldn’t win. But guess what? Against all odds, we did! And in 1783, the Treaty of Paris made it official. The United States of America was born.

Character 1 :
(Looking thoughtful)
After the war, we needed to figure out how to run this new country. So, what did we come up with?

Character 2 :
The Constitution! In 1787, they wrote it to create a government that balanced power. The Bill of Rights came soon after, guaranteeing freedoms like speech, religion, and the press.

Character 3 :
But America’s story isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Let’s talk about a dark chapter: the Civil War. A nation divided over slavery.

Character 4 :
(With passion)
It was a terrible time. Families torn apart. The fight wasn’t just about the Union versus the Confederacy; it was a battle for the soul of the nation.

Character 5 :
And thanks to leaders like Abraham Lincoln and the bravery of countless soldiers, slavery was abolished. The war ended in 1865, and the country began the long road to healing.

Character 1 :
Fast forward to the 20th century. America’s taking the world stage! Two World Wars and the Great Depression shaped us into a global leader.

Character 2 :
(Chimes in)
Don’t forget the Civil Rights Movement! People stood up against injustice. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others led the way for equality.

Character 3 :
The fight for freedom and justice didn’t end with the Revolution. It continues today, with every generation.

Character 4 :
Because that’s what USA is about. A place where people can dream big, work hard, and fight for what’s right.

Character 5 :
(Steps forward, addressing the audience)
And that, folks, is the story of our country. A nation built on hope, courage, and the belief that everyone deserves a chance.

All Characters (together):
(Stepping forward, with enthusiasm)
Here’s to the United States of America – yesterday, today, and tomorrow!

(They all wave to the audience and take a bow.)


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