Short play script about a conflict of space ( 3 characters )

Play for 3 characters. It tells a story that shows a typical conflict between sisters who share their room and fight, but then discover the importance of sisterhood.

Title: “This is my space”.

Author: María Gabriela Méndez


  1. Narrator
  2. Patty
  3. Ori

Their bedroom. At the beginning of the story while the narrator is talking they should be each in their own bed, one reading a book (Ori), the other checking her laptop (Patty), between each bed there is a dividing line, very noticeable, it could be a grate or something that could divide. They both have headphones because they really don’t want to hear each other, they are annoyed.


Narrator: Patty is fifteen, Ori is fourteen, when they were babies they usually slept together.

They always shared toys, clothes, parties, friends, school, parents (obviously), food. Some people think they are brunettes, but they both always make it clear. Do they love each other, of course they do, they just can’t admit it at the moment. They want to draw a boundary between them, they think it’s for the best, the space has become small between them. Sharing everything is not so much fun anymore, even though they are so alike in many things, there are differences, many differences. Maybe they need to have their own room each or maybe they need to acknowledge that they love each other and it´s silly how they feel right now.

There’s Patty and Ori, I think it’s a room of two cute young teenagers, although I know what you’re thinking, it looks like a battlefield.
Patty: (from her bed) – By the way, that book is mine, give it to me, he must be on this side.

Ori: Oh yes, well, then, the pink blouse must be on this side, in case you don’t remember, it was given to me.

(They both throw the respective objects at each other)

Patty: – Ok, the shiny black pants on this side, please.

Ori: The green scarf should be in my closet.

Patty: The picture frame of our parents on my nightstand.

Ori: You’re wrong, that picture frame was given to me for my birthday.

Patty: What, that picture frame was given to me when I finished my science project, don’t you remember.

Ori: You got the album that day, not the picture frame. Now that I remember, that picture frame was given to both of us when we moved into this room. What should we do with it?

Patty: Well, this one… I don’t know… but give me my gray slippers then.

Ori: Ok, speaking of shoes, I want my boots, the ones I hardly wear because you like them better than me, but I’m sorry, they’re mine.

Patty: Oh yeah, I don’t care, but you’re going to care….

Ori: The green scarf should be in my closet.

Patty: Ok, I’ll give it to you, no problem. Now, what are we going to do with the picture frame?

Ori: Well, it belongs to both of us.

Patty: And it was given to us by our parents.

Ori: And it’s a nice picture

Patty: Yes, we are a nice family

Ori: It looks like we love each other in that picture.

Patty: We do love each other, we just….

Ori: That’s right, we’ve always been very close.

Patty: Silly us, aren’t we?

Ori: You’re right, we are.

(They break the net and hug each other and spend some time just laughing and sharing with each other)

Patty: What do you want to do now, I invite you to watch a movie on my laptop, I mean, our laptop (they both laugh).


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