Short play script about beauty and intelligence (4 characters)

Play for 4 characters. It leaves us a great teaching showing us that we should not judge people by their appearance, because there is no point in being beautiful without inner beauty and there is no point in being beautiful if inside we are hollow.

Title: “Beauty Vs intelligence”.

Author: Clara PĂ©rez

3 characters:

  1. Mauro: Celeste’s boyfriend the prettiest girl in the place.
  2. Celeste: Beautiful girl with a hollow head.
  3. Janeth: Less graceful girl but very intelligent.
  4. Director: person in charge of selecting the main character.


Setting: Dressing room of an auditorium where there are dresses, shoes, fabrics and a large mirror.

Introduction: An audition for a play, where those selected must put on the costumes to determine who gets the main role, Celeste and Janeth are the ones chosen so far and among them will be the protagonist of the play, Mauro and Celeste are in the dressing room while she looks in the mirror doing poses and fixing her hair.

Celeste (flirting in front of the mirror): The worst is over, I had a hard time learning those lines, but I did very well and here I am selected, the role is mine, the next test is wardrobe and obviously I will look much better than Janeth, she is so ugly!

Mauro (looking at her and smiling ironically): Celeste the speech was not difficult, it was the easiest part of the play, do you really think you will be able to learn the whole play without making a mistake?

Celeste (visibly annoyed, turning to see where Mauro is): What are you insinuating Mauro? That I’m not smart enough to learn a few lines and play the part.

Mauro (without removing his ironic smile): Let’s be honest Celeste, you are very pretty, but intelligence is not your forte, if you made it this far it’s because of how pretty you are, but Janeth’s performance was much better than yours, so the competition is close, you have the beauty and she has the intelligence.

Celeste (annoyed): You are the last straw Mauro, so ordinary how can you say that ugly girl is smarter than me that I am one of a kind.

Mauro (laughing now): That you are one of a kind is indisputable, no one in life can be like you, but not Celeste, it’s hard for you to do a sum without using a calculator or your fingers.

Celeste (even more annoyed) Look Mauro, you know?

At that moment Janeth enters and interrupts the conversation unintentionally, Celeste stops talking and starts to look at the locker room.

Janeth (a little shy): Hi, am I interrupting?

Celeste (speaking in a bad way): Always, girl, but how do you avoid existing?

Mauro (trying to justify Celeste): Don’t mind her Janeth, you don’t interrupt, you also have to select your wardrobe, come in and take care of your work.

Celeste (looking at Janeth with contempt): Make it quick dear, I don’t want to be here with you, I’ll go out and come back when you leave, although you need a miracle to be able to look pretty enough to win me and that will never happen, you know that, right? Mauro come on let’s let the ugly one pray for a miracle.

Celeste and Mauro leave the dressing room and Janeth stands in front of the mirror looking at herself and talking out loud.

Janeth (looking dissatisfied): Celeste is right, how am I going to look as good as her? I don’t think I’m going to win that role. I can’t give up without trying, I’ll do my best, I’ll look for tips on the internet and try to do my best job.


Setting: Auditorium all set to cast the leading lady.

Introduction: The director enters the auditorium, Mauro, waits sitting in one of the chairs, intrigued to see what the outcome will be.

Director (standing in the middle of the auditorium and speaking loudly): I hope you girls are ready, I want to see Celeste first, you don’t have to repeat the lines, just stand here in the center, turn around to see your costumes and that’s it, I hope you have a great look to represent this society girl, let’s see Celeste you first.

The Director sits next to Mauro and Celeste appears dressed to represent the society girl that the role demands, she stands in the middle of the auditorium and turns around a couple of times.

Director (animated): You look beautiful! If you could learn the lines as they are and with more haste you would be ideal, let’s see what I can do Janeth, you can come out now girl.

Celeste smiling sits next to Mauro.

Celeste (saying very close to Mauro so that the Director can’t hear): Let’s see what the ugly one comes out with.

At that moment Janeth appears, perfectly dressed and made up, hair done and looking like someone else.

Director (with his mouth open and slow to react): Janeth, is that you?

Janeth (standing in the middle of the auditorium): Who else?

Director (approaching her and taking her hand to spin her around): You look phenomenal, what a change! You act better than Celeste and you look great, the role is yours.

Celeste (throwing a tantrum): What? They can’t give her the part, she’s so not fit for this role.

Director (disapproving of Celeste’s show): Yes I will give it to her, Janeth just showed us that an intelligent woman can find beauty, but a woman who is only beautiful can’t find intelligence so easily, my decision is made, the role is Janeth’s.

Celeste leaves the auditorium upset and Janeth hugs the Director thanking him.


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