Short play script about jealousy (3 characters)

Play for 3 characters. It tells the story of a couple where one of the parties suffers from recurrent attacks of jealousy and that ends up becoming their worst enemy.

Title: “You don´t trust you, not me”.

Author: Clara Pérez

3 characters:

  1. Hector: Insecure boyfriend who fills the girl’s patience.
  2. Valeria: Girlfriend fed up with her boyfriend’s insecurities.
  3. Alejandro: Valeria’s friend with whom Hector accuses his girlfriend of cheating on him.

Setting: Valeria’s living room.


Introduction: Valeria and Alejandro are talking animatedly in the living room of Valeria’s house when Hector enters.

Valeria (laughing at the anecdote he tells): Alejandro, do you remember when we used to go to the circus and run away to try to touch the animals?

Alejandro (laughing with pleasure): Of course I remember, more than once they scolded us, forcing us to go back to the big top.

Valeria (without stopping laughing): It was a lot of fun, being children is something magical.

Suddenly they hear the door and Hector enters with an annoyed face looking at Valeria in a very unpleasant way.

Valeria (Relaxed and without understanding what’s going on): Hello love, I didn’t know you were coming.

Alejandro: What’s up bro?

Hector (speaking ironically): Sorry to bother, I didn’t know my girlfriend was busy.

Valeria (noticing Hector’s discomfort and getting uncomfortable): Since when do you bother me when I’m with my friend Alejandro?

Hector (still making himself uncomfortable with his way of speaking): I don’t know, since Alejandro is always around now, the one who should be left over is me.

Alejandro (noticing the tense atmosphere): Well… I’m going and I’ll leave you to talk, I’ll call you later Valeria, take care.

Valeria (embarrassed): Sorry Alejandro, it’s ok, I’ll talk to you later.

Alejandro leaves the house and Hector sits on the sofa as if nothing happened, Valeria gets annoyed and stands in front of him.

Valeria (very angry): Do you want to explain to me what all this means? Alejandro is my lifelong friend. Who do you think you are to come here making insinuations and making me uncomfortable with your jealousy? It’s getting harder and harder to put up with you Hector.

Hector (angry): Everything I do is bad, for you anyone is more important than me. You say it’s jealousy, it’s not jealousy, but what does Alejandro do all the time with you?

Valeria (already irritated with Hector’s stubbornness): I’ve known Alejandro for a long time, don’t be illogical, if I wanted to be with him, you wouldn’t exist. I’m not going to stop treating my friend because you see stories where there are none.

Hector (angry because he couldn’t get Valeria to agree with him): Well, stay with your friend, I’m the one who’s left over here.

Hector gets up without letting Valeria speak and leaves the house, Valeria leaves the scene and the place is left alone, until her cell phone rings and she returns to the scene.

Valeria (answering the phone and sitting on the sofa): Hello! Ah, it’s you, what is it now, Hector?

There is silence, while she listens to what Hector tells her.

-Look Hector, I’m not going to discuss this over the phone with you, you’re wrong, you’re chronically jealous, now it’s because they saw me at the cinema, tomorrow because I didn’t answer my cell phone, come home, I need to talk to you.

Valeria remains silent checking her cell phone until the doorbell rings, she goes to open the door and Hector enters, this time with a victim’s face and trying to soften the situation.

Hector (trying to approach her): Hello love, I’m here, what do you want to talk about? Please, let’s not fight, you see things that are not, I take care of you, but not because I’m jealous, come on, stop fighting and let’s go eat an ice cream.

Valeria (very upset and avoiding his approach): We are not going anywhere, sit down and listen to me Hector.

Hector resignedly sits down and she, still standing, begins to talk.

Valeria (trying to remain calm): I’m sorry Hector, but I’m tired of your stories that are not true, of you seeing things where there are none, of the accusations, that you think you can persecute me, harass me, that all the time you think I’m cheating on you….

Hector (trying to interrupt): love, that’s not…

Valeria (annoyed): be quiet Hector, let me talk. It’s obvious that there’s a lot of distrust here, but it’s not that you distrust me, you distrust yourself. You are so insecure that you don’t think you can have a relationship where the person is loyal to you, you don’t think you deserve it, but you can’t, you don’t have the right to hurt someone because you don’t believe in yourself. I’m sorry Hector but I can’t go on with you, I want a relationship where I can feel good and where no one accuses me of things that are only in their mind, I don’t want to go on with you, this is over.

Hector (almost pleading): Valeria you can’t be serious, I’m not afraid, I trust you, but if you say there are things to change, I’ll change them.

Valeria (convinced): No Hector, the decision has been made, please leave and don’t bother me again.

Valeria goes to the door opening it for him to leave, Hector hesitates a little but in the end leaves resigned and Valeria closes the door behind him, returning to the sofa, sitting down and taking a deep breath.


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