Short play script about love and loyalty for teenagers (5 characters)

This is a play for 5 characters. It tells the story of a humble young man who falls in love with a very wealthy girl who seems out of his reach. Faced with certain situations that they have to live through, the young girl understands that money does not buy love, nor loyalty.

Title: “Money Does Not Buy Feelings”

Author: Clara PĂ©rez

5 characters:

  1. Raquel: Rich girl in love with a boy of her position.
  2. Jairo: Poor boy in love with Raquel.
  3. Marcos: Rich boyfriend of Raquel.
  4. Karla: Girl with whom Marcos cheats on Raquel.
  5. Gabriel: Jairo’s friend.

Setting: Ballroom of a dance academy where everyone is a participant.

Introduction: Raquel rehearses her choreography alone in the room and Jairo and Gabriel watch her from afar without her noticing.


Raquel (realizing that the boys are watching her): Hey, what are you doing there spying on me?

Jairo tries to leave in a hurry but Gabriel stops him and makes him walk towards Raquel.

Gabriel (excusing himself trying to look relaxed): We didn’t spy on you, we were just coming and didn’t want to interrupt.

Jairo (nodding): That’s right, we were just coming.

Raquel (annoyed): You poor kids, the scholarship you were given is to learn to dance, not to spy on the girls at the academy.

Marcos enters at that moment.

Marcos (asks intrigued and with an air of superiority): What’s going on here?

Raquel: These poor guys who dedicate themselves to spying on the girls’ rehearsals.

Marcos: (turning around with an ironic smile): Were they spying on my girl? Of course, here you can only spy on, what girl could be interested in you? Let’s go Raquel.

They both leave the room and Jairo sits on the floor mocking Marcos.

Jairo: Which girl would be interested in you? I’m going to stay with Raquel, I like her and she will be my girl.

Gabriel (laughing heartily): Jairo get off that cloud, do you think Raquel would leave Marcos for a poor guy like you?

Jairo: Why not, poor people don’t have the right to love?

Gabriel (stopping laughing and approaching Jairo): Of course we do, but to love girls like us, each sheep with her mate, my friend.

Jairo (getting up from the floor and walking towards the exit): She will be my partner, want to bet?

Gabriel leaves behind him and on the way they meet Karla who is arriving to the academy.

Karla (smiling): Hi guys!

The guys respond to the greeting and go out, while Karla starts to arrange her things to start rehearsing, at that moment Marcos enters.

Marcos (smiling with complicity): Hi, how is the prettiest girl of this academy?

Karla (smiling, she takes Marcos’ hands and kisses him on the cheek without letting go of his hands): Hello love, I’m fine, aren’t you with Raquel as a stamp behind you?

Raquel was entering the living room when she noticed the presence of Marcos and Karla, and she keeps watching where they can’t see her.

Marcos (in a sweet tone): I left her at the address so I could come see you.

Karla (smiling): When are you going to leave her? I already told you that if you don’t tell her, I’ll tell her we’re together.

Raquel comes out from where she was hiding and speaks loudly as she approaches Marcos and Karla.

Raquel (speaking emphatically): He is not going to leave me Karla, but if you are going to stay with him, because I am the one who is going to leave him right now, very educated, from a good family, with a lot of money, but a liar, false and without knowing loyalty and feelings, keep him, he is of no use to me anymore.

Marcos (scared and shocked to be discovered): Raquel, wait I can explain everything.

Raquel (walking awey from them): Explain it to Karla Marcos, I’m not interested in listening to you.

Raquel leaves while a tear runs down her face and unintentionally bumps into Jairo.

Raquel (lowering her face so he doesn’t notice she is crying): Sorry.

Jairo (noticing Raquel’s sadness and lifting her face): What’s wrong, why are you crying?

Raquel (trying to remove Jairo’s hand from her face): Nothing, nothing is wrong, excuse me.

Jairo: Don’t go away, are you crying, tell me what happened?

Raquel (drying her tears and looking at Jairo): I found Marcos with Karla, they were together behind my back.

Jairo (shaking his head): That’s too bad Raquel, I would never do something like that to you, I like you a lot and I know how to respect feelings.

Raquel (drawing a shy smile): That’s nice Jairo, but now I don’t want to start anything with someone else, maybe later, but if I can tell you something, you just showed me that money doesn’t buy feelings.

Raquel hugs Jairo with a smile on her lips.


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