Short play script about making good decisions (5 characters)

Play for 5 characters. It tells the story of a king who makes hasty decisions but after some unexpected events he realizes that the decisions he would make would not be the best and decides to do the right thing.

Title: “Here we all fit”.

Author: Clara PĂ©rez

5 characters:

  1. Lion: King of the place who makes the decisions.
  2. Tiger: Assistant to the lion, who makes him come to his senses.
  3. Eagle: Member of the animal community.
  4. Bear: Sentenced to leave the place by the lion’s decision.
  5. Bee: Another one sentenced by the lion.

Setting: A forest.


Introduction: The lion has made a decision and summons the tiger to make it known to him so that he can gather the animals he has decided to remove from the forest.

Lion (Very imposing, addressing the tiger): I have called you to summon some animals that I think are not useful to the animal community and must leave the forest.

Tiger (somewhat surprised): Will you take animals out of the forest? All animals have a usefulness, why are they leaving, and who are they?

Lion (without losing his arrogance): They will leave because I decide so, summon the bear, the bee and the eagle, I don’t want them in my forest anymore.

The tiger, still not agreeing, goes out to look for the animals, bringing them with him when he returns.

Tiger: Here are the animals you asked me to bring, I still don’t understand, but I have fulfilled your order.

Lion (with a kingly pose): You don’t have to understand, you must obey, that’s why I’m the king, I make the decisions. Settle down over there, I have to talk to you.

The animals settle down in front of the lion, still not understanding what it is all about.

Bear (somewhat annoyed): I thank you to be brief, soon I must start hibernating and I am preparing everything, I am short of time.

Lion (Laughing ironically): When I finish talking you won’t have to keep arranging anything to hibernate in my bear forest.

Eagle (smiling): Will there be improvements? Now the animals will help each other so that the bear can hibernate without having to do so much work before? That would be a great novelty.

Tiger (trying to mediate): Keep quiet gentlemen, the Lion has something important to tell you. Let’s see, Lion, tell the animals about your decision.

The lion stands up and suddenly feels that everything is spinning, he leans back from the tiger rubbing his eyes, he tries to take a step but without being able to avoid it he collapses, the bear quickly puts his arms to cushion the fall, taking him to the ground slowly avoiding him to hurt himself.

The animals, a bit upset, start to move, the eagle takes flight leaving the place and the bee does the same taking another direction.

Tiger (amazed by the attitude of the animals): Where are you going? Help them.

In a short time the eagle returns with half of a dry coconut in his beak full of water, which he throws over the lion to wake him up, the lion begins to react and at that moment the bee arrives, giving some honey that he had gone to look for, putting it in his snout.

Bee: Take the honey to raise your blood pressure, I’m sure that’s why you fainted.

The lion reacts and is astonished to see how all the animals ran to help him. He sits up and the tiger pulls him where the others can’t hear them.

Tiger: Are you saying that these animals are useless? Thanks to the bear you didn’t hit your head, the eagle without questions went for the water and the bee gave you the honey so you could recover, are you still going to kick them out of the forest?

Lion (recovering his posture): I know exactly what I have to do, let’s go with them.

Both go back to where the other animals are waiting and the lion stands in front of everyone.

Lion: Gentlemen, I sent for you because I needed to tell you that I am very proud to have you in our animal community, I have realized that every animal is useful and essential for the coexistence of this place, thank you for your help. That was all I had to say.

The animals walk away and the tiger, looking at the lion, shakes his hand.

Tiger: That’s what a good king does, I congratulate you.


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