Short play script about manipulation (2 characters)

Play for 2 characters. It tells the story of a mother who, after a long time of being manipulated by her son, decides to do the right thing and put an end to this toxic manipulation.

Title: “Enough of always doing what you say”.

Author: Clara PĂ©rez

2 characters:

  1. Mother: Woman who allows her son to manipulate her.
  2. Eduardo: Manipulative son who receives his lesson.


Setting: Dining room of the house

Introduction: Eduardo talks to his mother manipulating her to do everything he wants and to let him do things her way even if it is not the right way.

Eduardo (Entering the house and standing next to the table where his mother serves the food): Hi mom, hurry up with the food, I’m going out and I don’t have much time.

Mother (looking disapprovingly): Eduardo that’s no way to greet your mother where are you going in such a hurry? Go wash your hands and eat calmly, anything can wait.

Eduardo (annoyed with his mother’s conversation): Oh mom, don’t start, I can’t eat calmly, I’m meeting some friends to go to the mall to play on the machines.

Mother (somewhat angry): You are doing very badly in your studies, you are not going anywhere, you have to study, all you want to do is walk around all the time, forget about going out, wash your hands and sit down to eat.

Eduardo (annoyed and walking away to leave the dining room): I can’t stand you mom, it’s always the same, you don’t let me do anything, I’m not going out, because you have me locked up in this house, like a delinquent, but I don’t want to eat either, you can eat alone.

Mother (lowering her tone): Don’t talk to me like that son, I don’t have you locked up, you have to improve your grades, but it’s ok, go wash your hands, you can’t stay without eating, sit down, have lunch and then go with your friends, but come back early so you can study.

Eduardo with a smile goes out to wash his hands, while the mother waits finishing arranging the table, Eduardo returns and sits down to eat, while they begin to talk.

Mother (in a concerned tone): Eduardo son, I am really worried about your situation, you don’t want to study, you go to the streets all the time, on weekends you wake up very late, you have no responsibility, I don’t know what to do anymore.

Eduardo (getting upset and placing the cutlery on the plate): Mom, but until when? I’m young, I have the right to enjoy myself, you know what? sometimes I don’t even feel like going home, you complain about everything, if you want to keep me here stop bothering me about everything.

Mother (feeling disappointed): I am your mother and my duty is to make you go the right way, you can’t do whatever you want, you are under my care and you are my responsibility, your duty is to study and I can’t allow you to do whatever you want.

Eduardo (Still very upset and trying to manipulate): Well, if you want me here you will have to stop bothering me, mother, if you keep trying to make my life miserable, I will leave and you will never hear from me again.

Mother (fed up with the same story and realizing that her way of acting was to blame for her son’s attitude): You know Eduardo, what does it mean to make your life miserable? I work hours to give you what you need, I wash your clothes, I prepare your food, I take care of you when you get sick, is that making your life miserable? You have no idea what it’s like to have to make your life miserable to live, do you want to leave? That’s fine, do it, go out and earn a living, you are not going to study, of course not, but not because you are going to dedicate yourself to having fun, but because you will have to work to survive, stop always doing what you say, if you are going to stay in my house it will be by doing things as I say, and if not, enough manipulation, try to leave home and you will see how nice it is to live with mommy who gives you everything, make a decision.

Eduardo (very surprised and lowering his head): You know I have nowhere else to go.

Mother (with an authoritarian tone): Then the manipulation is over, you go to your room, you start studying and forget about rides until your grades go up, things from today onwards will be done as they have to be, if you want rights, you will have to fulfill your duties are we clear?

Eduardo (speaking very softly): Alright mom, it will be as you wish, I’m going to my room.

Mother (feeling that for the first time she is doing the right thing): And you start studying, it’s about time you did.

Eduardo leaves the dining room and his mother draws a smile on her lips, for having put an end to her son’s manipulation.


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