Short play script about punctuality (4 characters)

Play for 4 characters. This play leaves us a great teaching about the importance of being punctual, not only for job interviews but in all areas of life, because opportunities appear when you least expect them.

Title: “Opportunities do not wait”.

Author: Clara Pérez

4 characters:

  1. Marina: Unpunctual girl.
  2. Andrea: Punctual girl.
  3. Waiter: He attends Andrea while Marina waits.
  4. Producer: He is the one who gives Andrea the opportunity.

Setting: TV channel´s Coffee shop .

Introduction: Andrea waits for Marina in the cafeteria to appear in a casting to participate in a soap opera. When she doesn’t show up, she calls her on the phone.

Andrea (Picking up her phone and dialing Marina’s number): Marina, where are you? It’s almost time and you still haven’t arrived, I’m going in without you, I don’t want to miss this opportunity.

Marina (answering from the street, very distracted and not in a hurry): I’m almost there, stop stressing, these things always take a long time, you’ll see we’ll have to wait a lot, have a coffee, I’m coming.

Andrea (annoyed): Opportunities like these are rare Marina, if you don’t arrive soon, I’ll come in without you even if it bothers you, you’re always so unpunctual.

Marina (ironic): You always arrive before the hour and I haven’t seen anything good happen to you because of that, calm down, I’m already close, we’ll talk when I get there, kisses my friend.

Waiter (approaching the table where Andrea is): Would you like anything else?

Andrea (Settling into the seat): Yes, please, can I have another coffee?

Waiter: With pleasure, Miss.

The waiter leaves to get the coffee and Andrea continues talking to herself.

Andrea (Speaking out loud but to herself): I don’t know what Marina has in her head is so irresponsible, but I feel sorry for her, I’m not going to miss this casting, if she doesn’t arrive on time, it’s her problem.

Waiter (approaching with the order): Here is the coffee miss, is something wrong?

Andrea (with a disappointed face): No, nothing important, thank you.

Andrea looks again at the time on her phone and taps the table with her fingers out of impatience.

At that moment a man in a somewhat outlandish outfit enters, looking all around.

Producer (somewhat exalted): God! I need two girls to play extras in a scene and it’s urgent.

He keeps looking around and fixes his gaze on Andrea, approaching her.

Producer (pointing at her): Let’s see girl, you, get up, I need two extras and I guess you’re here looking for an opportunity, or… am I wrong?

Andrea (Pleasantly surprised): Me?

Producer: Yes girl, who else? You, get up or don’t you want to?

Andrea: Sure, I do, let’s go.

Andrea gets up and starts to walk behind the producer, but stops.

Andrea (tapping the producer’s shoulder) Give me a second, I’ll catch up with you.

Andrea goes to the waiter, talking to him quickly and leaves again behind the producer. Just as they leave, Marina enters the coffee shop, sitting down at a table.

Waiter: Are you Miss Marina?

Marina (surprised): Yes, it’s me.

Waiter: Miss Andrea told me that because she didn’t arrive on time, she lost the opportunity to participate in a scene they are filming, that she was chosen to be an extra and that she will call her when she is free, it’s a pity she didn’t arrive on time.

Marina (dumbfounded): She went where? Well, well, thank you

Waiter: You’re welcome, miss, excuse me.

The waiter walks away and Marina is left resting her head on his rabid hand.

Marina (speaking loudly): Oh Marina, Marina! This is what you get for being lax, unfulfilled and unpunctual, you just lost an opportunity because of your habit of always being late, you fool!

Marina gets up from the table and leaves the coffee shop in annoyance.


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