Short play script about responsibility (2 characters)

Play for 2 characters. It shows us how important it is to take responsibility for our decisions and choices, because our future depends on them.

Title: “The responsibility is not only yours”.

Author: Clara Pérez

2 characters:

  1. Ernesto: 25-year-old boy, Elsy’s partner.
  2. Elsy: 20 year old girl who finds out she is pregnant.

Setting: Park bench.

Introduction: Elsy and Ernesto meet in a park where Elsy summoned her boyfriend to give him some news that she herself does not want to accept.


Ernesto (arriving at the bench where Elsy is and approaching her to give her a kiss): Hi love How are you, I came as soon as I could, I noticed you are worried…. What’s wrong?

Elsy (trying to figure out how to start talking): Hello love, sit down, it’s like you were in a hurry, you’re agitated.

Ernesto (sitting next to his girlfriend): Yes, I noticed you were worried and to be honest I got scared, I thought something serious was wrong with you and now I come and find you here so calm on this bench, tell me what´s it that we have to talk about?

Elsy (trying to find the words): Ernesto, you know that i´m really in love with you and that I would never do anything to damage this relationship; I know that we have many plans, that you are growing in your job, that my career is already halfway through and that we have made a lot of effort to carve out a future for ourselves.

Ernesto (surprised by the turn of the conversation): Yes love, that’s right, we have plans that we are going to fulfill and once we achieve everything we want we are going to get married, but did you call me so we can talk about our future plans, your career and my job?

Elsy (still not knowing how to say it): I want to know something, do you really love me enough to live with me for the rest of your life?

The truth Ernesto, I need to know how strongly you feel for me.

Ernesto (starting to feel anxious): What is this all about, Elsy?

You know that I love you very much and that I plan to marry you and live together until we are old and one of us leaves this world, explain to me why so many questions?

Elsy (nervously, rubbing her hands and lowering her eyes): It’s just that something has happened that we didn’t count on and I don’t know how you’re going to take it.

Ernesto (intrigued): And if you don’t tell me, you will never know how I will take it, please finish talking.

Elsy (settling into the seat and very nervous): I’m pregnant.

Ernesto (surprised): You’re what?

Elsy (with a broken voice): Pregnant Ernesto, I am pregnant.

Ernesto (visibly disturbed): But how can you be pregnant? How did this happen?

Elsy (looking up and into her boyfriend’s eyes): I have to tell you how it happened?

Ernesto (realizing his question): No of course not, I mean you were taking care of yourself, that’s what you told me and now you tell me you’re pregnant.

Elsy (almost crying and feeling disappointed): Look Ernesto, if I told you it’s because you are the father, but I don’t intend to force you to do anything. It’s like everything else, to make them if there are two, but when these things happen only one ends up being responsible; you can forget I told you, I can take care of my situation by myself.

Elsy gets up from the bench while Ernesto doesn’t know what to say, he is confused, so much so that he practically doesn’t notice that Elsy starts to walk away, suddenly he comes to his senses and gets up walking behind her.

Ernesto (shouting behind her): Elsy wait!

Elsy hurries her steps so as not to keep talking to him, but Ernesto runs to catch up with her, grabbing her by the arm and putting her in front of him.

Ernesto (almost imploring): Listen to me please, I didn’t say you have the fault for anything; I am in shock it’s true, I didn’t expect it, but I would never leave you alone with this, the responsibility is not only yours, I am the father of that baby and I am going to stand up for you both. It won’t be easy but we will be able to do it, you’ll see.

Elsy (Between tears and a smile): I thought you would abandon me, that I would have to tell my son a story of a father who ran away, but no, I am so glad you are a responsible man.

Ernesto (smiling kindly): So much time together and you don’t know me yet, I think we have some work to do now, we have to make an early wedding.

Elsy smiles and leans in to kiss Ernesto on the lips, they hold hands and walk through the park until they are out of sight.


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