Short play script about the History of India for kids (8 characters)

This is a short play script for children to play in schools about the History of India.

Title of the play: A Glimpse into India’s History

Author: Georgina Gimenez

Setting: A classroom. Each character stands at a different desk, with simple props representing their role, like a crown, a sword, or a book. There’s a blackboard with “India’s History” written on it.


  1. Character 1 – Ancient Emperor
  2. Character 2 – Southern King
  3. Character 3 – Warrior Queen
  4. Character 4 – Spiritual Leader
  5. Character 5 – Freedom Fighter
  6. Character 6 – First Prime Minister
  7. Character 7 – Constitution Maker
  8. Character 8 – Young Student

Single Act

Young Student:
(Excitedly) Today, we’re learning about India’s history! Who wants to start?

Character 1:
(With a smile) I was a great emperor! I ruled a big land but learned that peace is better than war. I taught everyone to be kind and to live in peace.

(Character 1 steps back. Character 2 steps forward, holding a small sword.)

Character 2:
(Proudly) I was a king from the South. My kingdom was strong. We built amazing temples and sailed the seas. My time was a time of art and strength!

(Character 2 steps back. Character 3 steps forward, holding a toy sword.)

Character 3:
(Bravely) I was a queen who fought for our freedom! I led my people in battle. I showed that even a queen could be a warrior!

(Character 3 steps back. Character 4 steps forward, holding a book.)

Character 4:
(Calmly) I didn’t fight with weapons. I believed in peace and love. I taught people to use words, not fists, to win our freedom.

(Character 4 steps back. Character 5 steps forward, holding a simple stick.)

Character 5:
(With a soft voice) I wanted everyone to be free. I led marches, spoke to crowds, and told everyone that we deserved to be our own country.

(Character 5 steps back. Character 6 steps forward, holding a scroll.)

Character 6:
(Happily) After we got our freedom, I helped lead our new country. I dreamed of a united India, with everyone working together.

(Character 6 steps back. Character 7 steps forward, holding a constitution book.)

Character 7:
(Seriously) I wrote the rules for our country. These rules make sure everyone is treated equally and fairly. Our constitution is what makes us strong!

(Character 7 steps back. All characters come forward, standing together in a line.)

Young Student:
(Smiling) And that’s a glimpse of India’s history! It’s full of amazing people who made India the country it is today!

All Together:
(Shouting happily) Jai Hind! (Long live India!)

(Curtain falls as the characters wave to the audience.)


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