Short play script about the value of friendship (3 characters)

This is a play for 3 characters. It shows us the importance of friends in difficult times, through a tragicomic story, in which at times, food appears as a representation of people and moods.

Title: “Friends, meals and loves”.

Author: Silvina Carrasco

3 Characters:

  1. Naty: 24 year old young woman. She is very sad because she separated from her boyfriend with whom she spent many years.
  2. Vero: 24 years old. She is a very good friend and with her sanity she comforts her friend.
  3. Luli: 24 year old girl. She has the best intentions, but her contributions are not always the most appropriate.


Characters involved in this act: Naty, Vero and Luli.

Scenario: Naty’s kitchen. Kitchen utensils, pots and pans, wrappers of cooking ingredients, and above all: food everywhere. Snacks, cakes, desserts and pizzas everywhere.

Introduction: Naty is very sad because she has recently separated from her boyfriend and every time she gets depressed more often, she has started to cook compulsively. Her unconditional friends Vero and Luli have come to her aid to cheer her up.

(The three friends are seated. Throughout the conversation, Naty serves them food and the three of them eat from the different dishes on the table.)

-Naty: That’s how I tell you girls, he said he didn’t feel the same anymore and left, it’s as simple as that. Eight years together, and one day he woke up and realized that “he didn’t feel the same anymore”.

-Vero: Naty, don’t say it like that. I’m sure it was hard for him too, and you know that no matter what happens he loves you very much. Relationships wear out, it’s painful, but these things happen.

-Naty: It hurts so much. Yesterday, when he took his things, it hurt here (touches her heart), I felt so bad. So I started to cook some things, because I didn’t know what to do.

-Luli: (looking around) Yes, “some little things”.

-Naty: I don’t know how I’m going to go on without him, he’s… he’s like chocolate (grabs a chocolate bar and starts eating it)… he’s necessary in my life.

-Luli: Oh, no, chocolate damages the liver.

(Vero looks at Luli with a reproachful look, as if telling her to shut up)

-Luli: I mean, at some point loves are like food, you have to find the one that is good for you… And nutritionists recommend not to eat the same thing all the time. The secret is in variety.

-Vero: Luli, you’re not helping her!

-Luli: Well, I’m just saying. Girlfriend, don’t worry, you’ll see that everything will be fine.

-Naty: Oh girls, I really don’t know if I’m going to be able to. Who am I going to cook for now? Who am I going to have breakfast with? Who am I going to have lunch with? Who am I going to have dinner with?

-Vero: Of course you can, life goes on. You’re going to feel bad for a while, it’s logical, it’s been many years together. But it will pass, and we will be here every time you want to cry and start cooking like crazy.

-Luli: It’s like when I go to my favorite restaurant; I eat a lot and then I feel terrible. For a few days I feel terrible no matter what I do, but little by little I get better. One day I wake up and realize that I feel fine and I can go on with my life normally.

(The three remain silent)

-Vero: (confused) Well… that comparison wasn’t so bad.

-Luli: (surprised at herself) Yeah, it wasn’t so bad.

-Naty: (Moved by the support of her friends) Thank you Luli (takes them by the hand) Thank you friends, I don’t know what I would do without you.

-Vero: Well, keep your spirits up. Now we are leaving here to change the air, relax, do something else… When we come back, we will clean all this up.

(The three of them stand up and head for the exit talking until they leave the scene and their voices are no longer heard)

-Naty: Where are we going?

-Vero: We’re going to the movies!

-Luli: Yes, they’re showing a Julia Roberts movie! It’s called “Eat, Pray, Love”. In one part, she goes to Italy and eats some spaghetti, some pizzas!….

-Vero: Mmmm, enough food for today. We’d better walk a bit in the park so we can take down everything we’ve eaten.


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