Teenage Pregnancy Play Script (3 characters)

Theater play for 3 characters. It teaches us a great lesson about the importance of taking care of our studies and thinking well and responsibly about the decisions we make.

Title: “The cry of two girls”.

Author: Clara Pérez

3 characters:

  1. Diana: 15 year old pregnant girl.
  2. Mrs. González: Diana’s mother.
  3. Headmistress: Authority of the school.


Setting: Office of the Headmistress of the school.

Introduction: The Principal receives Mrs. Gonzalez and her daughter Diana, a 15 year old girl whose belly is already about 4 months pregnant.

Principal (politely): Good afternoon Mrs. Gonzalez, please come forward and take a seat.

Mrs. Gonzalez (very serious): Good afternoon Director, I am sorry to bother you, but I urgently need to speak with you.

Director (with kindness): It is no bother Mrs. González, we are here to serve you, tell me what brings you here?

Mrs. Gonzalez: I just wanted to tell you about a situation that has been happening, the school accepted that my daughter would finish the school year even though she was pregnant, but it has been very difficult for her, the teasing from her classmates, the derogatory way they speak to her. They discredit her and although my daughter made a mistake, in her condition it is not ideal, there is only one week left until the end of the school year, she will finish, but for next year, she will not return. I wanted to thank her for the opportunity she was given, but pregnant and for the sake of the child it is best that she be calm, and the decision is that she does not return to finish high school.

Director (in disagreement): Mrs. Gonzalez, if the girl stops studying the opportunities for her and the baby that is on the way will be reduced…… Diana, what do you think about all this?

Diana (sad and hesitating): I will do what my mother decides, it is unbearable all they say to me, the jokes and I get depressed, my mother says that the best thing is to stay at home.

Mrs. Gonzalez: I am sorry, Director, but actions have consequences, and if my daughter made this mistake of getting pregnant early, now she has to assume the consequences that this will bring. After the baby is born and she is old enough to study at night and work during the day, if she was old enough to get pregnant, now she should be old enough to assume what is coming.

Director (resigned): If that is her decision we can’t do anything else, I only hope that you continue studying and that you don’t give up your dreams. Having sex when you are not old enough and without precaution brings serious problems and an early pregnancy is something that changes your life, but if you want you can continue fighting and reach your goals, it will be a little more difficult, but it is not impossible Diana.

Diana (sad and without raising her head): Thank you Director, that’s what I will do, I already understood that what happened was not the best choice, a child is something beautiful, but it must be had at the right time.

Mrs. Gonzalez and Diana say goodbye and leave the office, the Director stares at them until the door closes behind them.


Diana is sitting on a sofa, her daughter’s car is next to her, a year has passed since that conversation, she looks sad, her look lost and immersed in her thoughts while with her hand she moves the car to put her daughter to sleep.

Mrs. Gonzalez (enters and stares at Diana): What’s wrong, why that face?

Diana (coming to her senses): I´m sorry mom, it’s been a year since I left school, tonight is the graduation of my classmates, all high school graduates, thinking what they will study, making plans for the future.

Mrs. Gonzalez (ironic): And here you are, taking care of a little girl of months old and crying over spilled milk, thanks to a bad decision.

The child begins to cry and Diana gets up to take her out of the car and carry her.

Diana (with a tear in her eye): You’re right, here I am taking care of my daughter and wishing I had been more responsible.

Mrs. Gonzalez looks at Diana and her granddaughter with tenderness, unable to stop being moved by the crying of her two girls.


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