Short play script about impulsive reactions (4 characters)

Play for 4 characters. It shows us the importance of not letting ourselves be carried away by our impulses and not to blame others if we are not sure of their guilt.

Title: ¿Where is my book?

Author: María Gabriela Méndez

Theme: Confusion of a lost diary book in the classroom. Genre: Drama

4 Characters:

  1. Narrator 1 (Female Voice)
  2. Ana
  3. Miguel
  4. Extras (students in the classroom)

In two environments for two acts.

Environment 1: The classroom with organized desks and some bags. A girl is looking for her daybook and cannot find it. She is desperate because this book contains private information about her feelings for another boy in the classroom. She suspects of someone and when she enters the classroom she accuses him very confidently, while he defends himself by saying he didn’t do it. During this act the girl has a moment of monologue, and then the encounter with the suspected thief of stealing her daybook.

Setting 2: This girl arrives home and realizes that her diary was always there, so she is very embarrassed with her friend for wrongfully accusing him.

Narrator: – Ana has a friend, her secret confidant, to whom she tells even her most hidden feelings, it is a treasure for her… (pause) it is her diary.


Ana: (arrives to the classroom worried, directly to look for her purse (briefcase, purse, bag), she thinks out loud) – My diary, I must keep it safe, no one can see it. (She looks and looks but she can’t find it)

Ana: – Ok, someone had to have taken it (she is reflexive and looks around) – I know, it has to be Miguel, what a bummer, I don’t like him, I just enjoy that we are friends, but it can’t be someone else, he took my diary… Oh no, now he must be reading about how I feel about his best friend.

Michael: (approaches Ana, very friendly and polite, but at the same time brings a smile that makes Ana confirm her suspicion) – Hi, how have you been, everything ok, you look worried.

Ana: – You know, you took my diary, you shouldn’t have, I need it back NOW.

Michael: – I didn’t take your diary, what’s wrong with you, I wouldn’t do that.

Anna: – Of course you would, you’re always asking me questions, and I haven’t wanted to answer you, curiosity torments you. You must give me back my diary, and I hope that what you read, you take it to your grave, ok?

Miguel: I already told you that I didn’t take your diary, much less read it… I don’t know what’s wrong with you, you must have confessed a crime there, because you’re really exaggerating. I didn’t take your diary and that’s the last time I’m telling you. (He leaves the scene annoyed)

Ana: (continues looking in her bag (backpack, purse, school bag), and sits down, she looks everywhere, her diary is not there, this is really disturbing for her).


Narrator: the day is over at school, Ana finally arrives home after a long day of uncertainty. If Miguel doesn’t have her diary… who could have it? His life is in the hands of other people, his secrets, his feelings.

Ana: (As soon as she enters her house, in her room, she sees her diary placed in front of her eyes on the night table… She hadn’t lost it, it was in her room, it was all a confusion. She quickly runs to get it, takes it, hugs it, lies down on her bed very relieved that her diary is finally in her hands, no one has broken into her privacy, so she thinks out loud) – What a relief, you’re here.

Ana: – Now, what a pity with Miguel, I’ll have to apologize, I don’t have the face to tell him that my diary was really here.

Narrator 1: Ana understands that her reaction was a product of the uncertainty of not knowing in whose hands her secrets would be, but when she gets home she understands that her whole scene in front of Miguel was just an impulsive act, now she must solve this new matter, because he is her friend, and she was very quick to accuse him. It is important to be careful with what we do because of anxiety or uncertainty, we better check before hurting someone with our doubts.


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