Short playscript about empathy (4 characters)

Play for 4 characters. It shows us -through the relationship between a father and a son- the importance of putting ourselves in other’s place.

Title: “In someone else´s shoes”

Author: Silvina Carrasco

4 Characters:

  1. Mateo: 17-year-old teenager. Passionate about soccer. He has a great need to receive attention from his father, but he does not get it.
  2. Horacio: Mateo’s father. He works all the time and feels that Mateo does not value his efforts.
  3. Viviana: Mateo’s mother and Horacio’s wife. She tries to intervene to soften the relationship between Mateo and Horacio.
  4. Nené: Mateo’s grandmother, Horacio’s mother. She is decisive in the resolution of the conflict.


Characters involved in this act: Mateo, Horacio and Viviana.

Scenario: Kitchen of a house with the table set for breakfast. It is important that there is food or something that simulates food on the table.

(Mateo eats breakfast with his mother Viviana).

Mateo is about to play the final of the local championship with his city’s team. It is very important for him that his father is there that day, but he never has the chance to talk to him.

-Mateo: (very enthusiastic) On Sunday I start as a team player. We are ready, this year the championship is ours! (rubs his hands energetically).

(Horacio enters the kitchen. He sits down. His cell phone rings. He looks at it, reads it, stand up and goes away again).

(Mateo’s enthusiasm fades. His face becomes serious).

Viviana: (looks at him tenderly) Have you asked him yet?

Mateo: Why, if she’s not going to go?

Viviana: How can he not go, if he knows how important this championship is for you?

Mateo: No, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know anything about me.

(he tries to hide his sadness behind a stern face). But it doesn’t matter, it’s enough for me that you, grandma and the kids are here.

(Horacio re-enters the scene. He sits down and begins to eat breakfast.)

Horacio: How nice Estela’s house is, I had never seen it before.

Mateo: (ironic) If you ever looked up from your cell phone or your computer, you would see so many things!

Horacio: If I have to look at my cell phone or computer so much, it’s because I have to work to buy that stuff you’re eating.

Mateo: I’m just saying that it’s amazing the things you find out when you stop looking at your navel. (Ironic) Man went to the moon, did you hear about it?

Viviana: (in a conciliatory tone) Well, well, shall we have breakfast in peace?

(to Horacio) Love, on Sunday…?

(Horacio suddenly remembers something. He puts his hand to his forehead worried)

Horacio: (talking to himself) Oops, I forgot to send the e-mail to this guy….

(He grabs his computer and starts typing)

Mateo: (very angry and trying to hide his discomfort, he stands up and walks away speaking ironically. His voice gets lower and lower until he disappears from the scene and can no longer be heard) Man reached the moon, the twin towers were knocked down, Uruguay beat Brazil at the Maracana, Trump was elected president….

(After a moment, Horacio finishes writing)

Horacio: (to Viviana) What’s wrong with this boy! How do you expect him to pay for the comforts he lives with?

Viviana: (takes his hand tenderly) Maybe he doesn’t need so many comforts?

(Horacio’s face becomes sad, but he immediately puts on the same proud face of hardness that Mateo puts on when he wants to hide his feelings).

Horacio: I’m leaving, my love, I’m late.

(he kisses her and leaves the scene).


Characters that intervene in this act: Mateo and Nené

Scene: Living room of an old lady. Crochet fabrics on the tables and antique ornaments.

(Mateo and Nené sitting on a sofa)

Nene: I’m glad you came to see me, I’ve been missing you.

Mateo: I just stopped by for a little while. I came to invite you for Sunday….

Nené: To the championship final!

Mateo: Hey, did mom tell you already? She didn’t tell me anything.

Nene: No. Your father told me. He hasn’t talked about anything else but the championship for a month. He’s going around like a madman trying to finish I don’t know what project on Saturday, so he can come to see you on Sunday.

(Mateo looks down in astonishment as if trying to understand).

Nene knows very well what his grandson is thinking.

Nene: Your father is very proud of you. Where do you think you got that passion for soccer?

Ever since you were a baby I used to watch the games with you.

Mateo: (holding back his emotion) But… then… Why are there days when he doesn’t even talk to me?

Nene: Because he wants you to have the life he didn’t have and he thinks that by working all day he can give you what you need. You two are so alike!

(Mateo remains thoughtful…)


Characters that intervene in this act: Mateo and Horacio.

Scene: the same kitchen as in Act I, this time, with nothing on the table.

(Mateo and Horacio are seated at the table)

Mateo: I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I realized that I don’t value the good things you do for me.

Horacio: Forgive me son, I thought that with money I could give you the love that I don’t know how to show in any other way.

Mateo: I love you dad.

Horacio: I love you too son.


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